Today we will show you how to draw some Mr. Men characters, including Little Miss Sunshine. You will find in this drawing lessons, simple-to-follow illustrated steps that will guide you through the cartooning process.
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How to Draw Little Miss Sunshine Step by Step Drawing Tutorial for Kids
Step 1
Firstly, draw a circle and cross hairs within it…as if it wrapping around a ball.
Step 2
Draw a circle above the cross hairs, for the nose. Draw dots for freckles. Draw 3 overlapping circles on either side of the big circle.
Step 3
Draw curved lines on each cheek…draw filled-in ovals for eyes.
Step 4
Draw a letter ‘u’ for the mouth. Draw a sideways number ‘8’ for feet.
Step 5
Draw ovals on the mouth…draw a number ‘111’ for the legs. Draw an ‘x’ like shape on the last circle in the 3-circle shapes that we drew in step #2.
Step 6
Draw 4 ovals on each oval (the ones that are on the mouth). Draw 2 curved lines for hair.
Step 7
Draw a straight hair line now. Draw a line to close off each bow. draw a sideways letter ‘M’ like shape on the left side hair….draw 2 curved rectangles on the right side hair. Draw a number ’11’ for each arm.
Step 8
Draw inwards curved line for hair. Draw lines under her feet. Draw a number ‘5’ like shape in the hair (without the bottom).
Step 9
This is what Little Miss Sunshine should look like when she is done in black and white.
Step 10
This is what Little Miss Sunshine should look like when she is done in color.
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Technorati Tags: Little Miss Sunshine, draw Little Miss Sunshine, drawing Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Sunshine from mr men, mr men, drawing mr men, draw mr men, how to draw, drawing lessons, drawing for kids
Very easy and fun ! I usally suck at drawing, but with this website you can draw anything!
love it its soooo easy when i drew it it came out perfect now im little miss sunhine lol
really cool cause i can’t draw and this makes me look like a GENIUS!! REALLY EASY!!!!!!!!!!!
i done this perfect because im better that all of you
i know how to draw this.
cool amazing steps