If you like Teddiursa from Pokemon, then you are going to love this drawing tutorial. Today we will show you how to draw this popular Pokemon character in simple-to-follow steps. If you want to draw a teddy bear, you can just take the moon shape off his forehead and you will have an adorable teddy-bear figure.
More Pokemon Drawing Tutorials
How to Draw Teddiursa from Pokemon with Easy Step by Step Drawing Lesson
Step 1
1) Start off with a lemon shape with two circles on top for the ear.
Step 2
2) Add two long ovals for the arms and a large apple-like curve for his teddy bear body.
Step 3
3) Add curves at the bottom for the feet and tail.
Step 4
4) Draw in his eyes, ear holes, nose, and a crescent moon on his forehead.
Step 5
5) Draw triangles on the tip of his arms and feet for his claws.
Step 6
6) Erase your guidelines, add blackings, and you’re done!
Step 7
This is what Teddiursa looks like all colored in. I hope that he turned out great for you.
More Pokemon Drawing Tutorials
Technorati Tags: teddiursa, drawing teddiursa, how to draw teddiursa, teddiursa from pokemon, drawing pokemon, how to draw pokemon, pokemon drawing tutorials, drawing tutorials, drawing for kids
Real cute. My brother loves pokemon and bears so this is perfect!
Try to add more steps but it ends so cute