Today we will show you how to draw a cute cartoon squirrel. The following easy-to-follow step by step drawing tutorial will guide you through the steps to drawing comic squirrels.
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How to Draw Cartoon Squirrels in Simple Steps Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
1. Start off by drawing the basic shapes of the head. Create an oval for the head, also eyes. Add 2 small triangles at the top to create the ears. Draw a small triangle for the nose, and semicircle for the mouth, draw the mouth a little bit outside the head..
Step 2
2. The body. Add a line for the neck, then an oval for the body. Add 2 circles for the legs, and 2 ovals for the feet.
Step 3
3. Create a rectangle for the arms and small ovals for the fingers..
Step 4
4. Draw around the guideline fo the neck to fill the shape, then draw a curved line for the tail
Step 5
5. Draw around the guidelines of the tail to create the full shape of the tail, add details as hair.
Step 6
6 Draw an oval, a rounded rectangle and then add small crossed lines for the nut.
Step 7
7. If you want to put a glimmer into the eye, just draw another circle around the smallest circle. Then just draw a small circle between these circles, as seen above. And now just erase the guidelines of the drawing to finish it!
Step 8
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Technorati Tags: squirrels, squirrel, drawing squirrels, draw squirrels, cartoon squirrels, draw cartoon squirrel, draw cartoon squirrels, animals, drawing animals, cartoon animals, drawing for kids, cartooning, drawing for children, draw cartoons
This lesson helped me so much! It may not have been exactly like the picture but it is a lot better then me just freedrawing! Thank you!!!