Today we will show you how to draw an adorable cartoon opossum. This one is easy enough for even little kids to draw…this opossum is built up with basic shapes that you already know how to draw. Have fun.
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How to Draw Cartoon Opossum with Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
1. Start off by drawing the basic shapes of the face. Create an oval shape for the head, ears, eyes and also nose, then a semicircle for the mouth.
Step 2
2. Add more details to the face. Create lines for the mustache, add curved lines for the eyebrows, and the ears.
Step 3
3. Add a triangle inside the head to create the hair.
Step 4
4. The body. Create a curved and oval shape for the body, then add 2 small circles for the shoulders.
Step 5
5. Draw a curved lines to create the guidelines of the tail.
Step 6
6. Add 2 circles with curved lines for the feet and fingers.
Step 7
7. Add details to the tail, just draw small curved lines along the ta
Step 8
8. Create the feet by following the guidelines, finally erase the guides of the drawing.
Step 9
Here is what the cartoon opossum looks like with all of the guidelines erased and lines darkened up.
Step 10
There are different types of opossum, with different colors…so choose the colors that you want to use…nobody will know the difference.
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Technorati Tags: opossum, opossums, draw opossum, drawing opossums, how to draw opossum, cartoon opossum, draw opposum, cartoon opposum, how to draw cartoon animals, how to draw, drawing, drawing for kids, drawing tutorials, drawing lessons