Learn How to Draw Hands with Drawing Lesson & Hands Positions Reference Guide


Without a doubt the hardest form for the student to master thoroughly is hands. It is also the shape most frequently “out of drawing” with many cartoonists. In addition to the general formation of the hand, the size in relation to the body is often abused. The main requisite is uniformity -‘keep them the same relative proportion throughout your drawings and keep both hands the same size. Hands are almost as expressive as the face – so don’t regard them as unimportant. Learn how to draw them correctly in the following drawing tutorial and guide. There are fifty different hand positions on the opposite plate so copy them, or, if necessary, use them for reference.

Find Even More of Our Hand Drawing Tutorials Here.

Drawing Hands and Fingers in Different Poses LessonsDrawing Hands and Fingers in Different Poses Lessons

Learn How to Draw Hands with Drawing Lesson & Hands Positions Reference Guide

Learn the basic geometric shape of the hand, which is roughly, a square and a triangle, and they will be much easier for you. Copy your hands in the mirror when necessary. If you are making a drawing, such as hands holding a golf club, make the “grip” as authentic as possible. Draw the fingers like fingers really look and not just like a bunch of bananas.

Look at the above pictures of hands to draw the fingers and hands.

Look at the above picture diagram to help you draw a pointing finger. Use a circle to help you draw it.

Note the differences in construction between the hands of a man, a woman, and a child. The hands of a woman are the hardest to draw and my suggestion is that you save photographs of women’ hands from fashion magazines and file them in your morgue. If some position is hard for you don’t try to use your imagination too such but either look up a reference or adopt a standardized position. A life class or drawing from casts should help you to photograph the shape of hands in your mind so thoroughly that you can develop a definite style of hand drawing that will become typical of your work.

Look at the above cartoon hands with gloves and mittens on.

Look at the above pictures in the diagram to help you draw correctly formed hands. Notice the pentagon shape that builds up the shape of the hand.

DON’T USE TOO MANY STANDARDIZED POSITIONS, but vary them, make them expressive and give your stuff more “color.”

Find Even More of Our Hand Drawing Tutorials Here.

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View Comments

  • this is so easy to learn DAWG i mean i cant draw good DAWG but this reallllllllllllllllllllllllllly helped me DAWG

  • Thank you so much for sharing this! I have such a tough time drawing hands. This will help so much! No more hiding the hands behind my figure' s backs! :)

  • I really face preoblems while drawing hands. Thanks a lottt for showing simple techniques for effective learning. Now I have recently started practicing the same and will be surely get back to you once I become an expert of it.

  • Oh my gosh! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!! :D Even though my hand drawing skills are still mediocre, I have drawn a half decent hand! In the past I would draw hands behind someone's back to avoid it, and now I don't have to!! I love you!:)

  • Can you show me how to draw hands on hips and just neutral on the side? That would help me tons! Thanks either way for the awesome instructions!

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