Scooby Doo is one of the widest known cartoon characters in the entire world. If you wanted to learn how to draw him, then you’re in luck, because you landed on an easy-to-follow, step by step drawing tutorial on Scooby Doo.
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How to Draw Scooby Doo Step by Step Drawing Tutorial for Kids and Others
Step 1
Firstly, lightly sketch the basic shapes that make up Scooby’s form.
Step 2
Now draw an acorn shape for the nose…and the other shape inside the nose is the highlight.
Step 3
Draw the right side of Scooby’s snout.
Step 4
Now draw the left side.
Step 5
Draw 2 ovals for his eyes.
Step 6
Draw another oval in each eye for the iris (part of each gets cut off). Draw another circle inside the iris for the pupil.
Step 7
Now draw the eyebrows and teeth.
Step 8
Draw a backwards ‘J.
Step 9
Draw a letter ‘m’ and a letter ‘L’.
Step 10
Draw an upside down question mark.
Step 11
Draw another backwards letter ‘J’
Step 12
Draw the rest of his face now.
Step 13
Draw the ears.
Step 14
Add more to each ear.
Step 15
And now finish them up.
Step 16
Draw 2 lines.
Step 17
Draw 2 ‘u’ shapes.
Step 18
Close up the collar now with a backwards number ‘7’ and a forwards number ‘7. Draw 2 diamonds for the collar’s tag.
Step 19
To get the right proportions of Scooby’s body – follow the picture above.
Step 20
Draw the front of Scooby.
Step 21
Draw the 2 lines.
Step 22
Draw the toes as a bunch of backwards letter ‘c’s.
Step 23
Draw a letter ‘J’ like shape.
Step 24
Draw a bunch of letter ‘c’s for the left paw’s toes.
Step 25
Now draw the right and left thigh and the left, front leg.
Step 26
Draw more letter ‘c’s for the toes on the back left foot.
Step 27
Draw more backwards letter ‘c’s for the toes on the back right foot.
Step 28
Draw some spots on Scooby Doo.
Step 29
Now color him with the colors that you see above.
You Might Like Our Other Scooby Doo Characters Tutorials Too
Technorati Tags: scooby doo, drawing scooby doo, draw scooby doo, how to draw scooby doo, dogs, drawing dogs, cartoon dogs, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, how to draw, drawing for kids
I am trying to learn how to draw a Great Dane as a cartoon! Thanks so much for all the help!!
this site is AWESOME anyone who disagrees
to you
nice job it helped
i drew it in pen and done it really badly …..on purpose to see if anyone new who i was trying to draw and everyone got it wright xx
Helped me with photo shop assignment
I love this site i draw that good but this is an AWESOME site.
this is okay but it still doesn’t work
im sorry i meant before
man i swear this website is the besst….. befopre i didn’t know how to draw anything and now i am an expert. thank u for whoever “created” this website. You are the best(:!!!!!!!!!
May god bless you for making this websit for kids(:!!!!!
You are soooo sweet! I am so glad that we helped you learn how to draw!!!!!!
I tried drawing Scooby and it came out great
Thats awesome!
i think this is a great website.
anyone that disagrees thumbs up anyone that agrees thumbs down