Learn how to draw Harry Potter (or Daniel Radcliffe) with the following easy step by step drawing tutorial. I will show you how to draw Harry Potter’s portrait in the following instructional steps that will guide you through the entire process.
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How to Draw Harry Potter Step by Step Drawing Lesson : Daniel Radcliffe Tutorial
Step 1
Draw a circle…cut it into half both ways. Then cut it in half again horizontally with a dash this time. Cut the bottom half in half again (vertically) with a dash. Then cut both of those halves in half again with another dash so that there are 3 dashes. Look at the diagram below to help you with this description.
Step 2
Lightly draw a line from each horizontal dash that you drew. Now draw a second circle…much smaller for the lower part of the face. This one should be drawn so that it meets both of the lines that you just drew. Notice that half of this smaller circle is inside the bigger circle, and half of it is outside of this circle.
Step 3
Now draw the eyes….notice that to space the eyes evenly, one eye fits in between them. Harry Potter have a very nicely even curved upper line to his eyes….notice that the inner eye is lower down than the outer eye.
Step 4
Now draw the upper lid of the eye…it mirrors the upper line of the eye.
Step 5
In order to help you get the right shape of the nose. First, lightly draw the 3 circles that you see above in between the 2 bottom dashes.
Step 6
Now draw the lines that you see above around the circles…for the nose.
Step 7
I have never drawn any person’s face who had such flat lips…normally there is more of a curve to the upper lip. Either way…draw it at the bottom of the big circle.
Step 8
Now draw the bottom lip.
Step 9
Now draw an oval at the bottom of the lower circle for his chin.
Step 10
Now draw the sides of his face down to the chin. This isn’t a completely straight on pose of the face…that is why you see more on the left side of the face. Also draw the neck.
Step 11
Start drawing the ears at the middle line that you drew in step one of this tutorial. Then draw the ears down to the middle nose area.
Step 12
Now draw the glasses by drawing 2 circles around each eye….as pictured above.
Step 13
Draw a circle in each eye. Then draw a smaller circle for the pupil of the eye. Draw 2 very small circles inside the pupil…then color in the rest of the pupil black…and keep those 2 small circles white for a highlight of the eye. Draw the details of the glasses too.
Step 14
Now erase the parts of the eyeball that went outside the edges of the eyes.
Step 15
Now draw Harry Potter’s hair.
Step 16
Now here is what the drawing of Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) looks like before coloring him in. I didn’t draw the scar on his forehead because I am going to put it in when I color him (as seen below)…you can just draw a capital letter ‘N’ like shape on the top left of his forehead if you don’t want to color him in.
Step 17
I used pastels and Thin & Thick Pen Brush in Corel Painter to color our picture.
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Technorati Tags: harry potter, draw harry potter, drawing harry potter, harry potter portrait, daniel radcliffe, draw daniel radcliffe, drawing daniel radcliffe, how to draw daniel radcliffe, how to draw harry potter, harry potter drawing, harry potter drawings, harry potter drawing lessons, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, drawing for kids, drawing people, drawing faces
im doing this again and i still cant believe how a circle can become harry potter soo easily
thx again for the surprisingly quick and easy steps!!
Glad it works for you! yay!
OMG DAT IS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD. Mine is sooo bad I never realised how bad I was at drawing until now.
thx so much for this mine finally looks like harry!
your instructions and drawings r great and were amazing!
I drew one of them it was insanely awesome.
Your a great artist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I drew this and it was only a little worse than yours! Thanks so much, the ones that I tried drawing without instructions looked like a potato with glasses!! ???
Harry send me a picture of yourself
And of hermione
No your not Connie try again I’m Natasia jackson
I’m having a tiny bit of trouble with the ears. I’m drawing this right now all the steps are awesome the only thing is if I erase the ears anymore, I’ll rip the paper! XD Can you help?
this is to hard
You are the most advanced drawer I ever seen! good job
nice easy to draw
And all this time I thought you were a guy…oops
The steps were nice and simple and the finished picture looked just like Daniel Radcliffe!! I had a little trouble with the nose but that’s just because I can’t draw noses so… (heheh. when I erased it the first time I saw Harry Potter for the first time with a Voldemort nose) Thanks a bunch admin!! AKA Rachel
ha ha I am so impressed thats me!
No that’s me natasiajackson and my scar
This is a pretty great drawing.
WAIT…. admin, are you a girl or a boy? I didn’t even think you ask.
hehe..I’m a girl. My name is Rachel.
Awsome but still can’t do it!
Try again and you might surprise yourself!
Thaks a lot for teaching pls give me ur e mail id i will send u pic of my drawing. Thnks once again
Thaks a lot for teaching pls give me ur e mail id i will send u pic of my drawing
I’m a really bad at drawing and young but I’m gonna try it any ways
It was just awesome…..The steps were quite easy & the complete picture came just amazing……
Thats great! Glad it helped you!
This was great, I got a pretty good drawing! You should do some other characters!
I love harry potter
this is awesomeand really too good. it helped me a lot in sketching………………
Very goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
still having trouble
thank you sooooooo much!!! this really helped because I cant draw so well and it came out cool. i love it !! i hope I get an A!!
Good Luck!!!
BTW: you say on stage 16 you say that you havn’t drawn the scar on yet the scar is there on the drawing
No on step 17 that’s when you draw the scar my art teacher taught me that
Thnak you! You saved me! I did this for my art homework and it really came out suprisingly good!
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