If you are a Pokemon lover then you will love this drawing tutorial for kids who want to learn how to draw Drowzee. We will guide you through drawing a Drowzee with the following instructional steps. Have fun.
More Pokemon Drawing Tutorials
1) Start off with a lollipop shape with a cross section for the face guide.
2) Add a large oval shape at the bottom for the body.
3) Add two small circles on the body for the shoulders, then add two small lollipops for the arm guides.
4) Add two smaller lollipops at the bottom for the legs. Make them short since Drowzee has stubby legs.
5) Add some muscle to the legs and arms.
6) Draw in his mouth, ant-eater-like nose, eyes, and ears.
7) Draw some wavy lines at the belly.
8) Erase your guide lines and you’re done!
If you want to colorize Drowzee, the colors above are the colors that you should use. I hope that you had a lot of fun.
More Pokemon Drawing Tutorials
Technorati Tags: Drowzee, drawing Drowzee, Drowzees, how to draw Drowzee, Drowzee pokemon, drawing pokemon, how to draw pokemon, pokemon characters, how to draw, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, drawing for kids
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