Learn how to draw this adorable cartoon unicorn – which looks a bit like a chibi unicorn. The following tutorial includes multiple simple steps that will show you how to draw unicorns by drawing simple shapes. Have fun.
How to Draw Cute Cartoon Unicorns with Easy Step by Step Drawing Lesson
Step 1
Step 1: The Head. Start drawing circles as the basic shapes that make up the unicorn form. Draw a circle for the base of the head, 2 small circles for the mouth, for the nose, and another for the cheek-this is just a place holder, also the eye is a semi circle.
Step 2
Next, let`s make the other parts of the head as the hair. Draw curved lines as an S, and join the points at the end. The horn is like a rounder rectangle with rounded stripes and the ear like an open round rectangle too, except for the stripes! The hair does not have to be perfect, just curve lines
Step 3
The body. Draw a rounded rectangle that is big at the left and small on the right, for the legs, draw curved lines similar to arcs, then fill it with drawing lines around as you can see in the image.
Step 4
Draw mass / form around the stick figure legs.
Step 5
The Wings. The wings consist in 1 oval shape (back) and 1 curved line with semi circles and ovals (red)
Step 6
We are almost done, just add final touchs to the mouth, erasing the inner part of the circles, we need semi circles as the image. Give a less rectangular shape to the body erasing the lines that we don`t need and also the red lines of the legs. And finally, add a tail using the same technique as the hair (curved S lines).
Step 7
Step 8
Technorati Tags: unicorns, draw unicorns, cartoon unicorn, cartooning unicorns, how to draw a unicorn, draw a unicorn, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, how to draw, cartooning, cartooning lessons
It I will always draw
omg I still cant draw it
oh no then how will i draw it
It is not an alicorn either.
It’s a Pegasus, not a unicorn. Unicorns only have a horn, not wings.
Thanks – I am not as educated about Unicorns / Pegasus as you. wink.
Actually this is an alicorn not a unicorn. Unicorns only have horns, while alicorns have horns and wings.
OMG! Its a freaking pegacorn!
That’s so awesome. Now I know how to do unicorns like this,etc.
Really Awesome.
looks like princess celestia for some reason
I love unicorns
i love this unicorn but gotta agree with ingridkitty it is a pegacorn i absolutely love it like so frickin bad
good job!!!!!
This is a pegacorn! Unicorns only have horns………..but I loved drawing this! It was easy and cute!!!
Just wanted to tell you this is a Pegacorn not a unicorn, it has Wings and a horn making it a pegacorn. Pegasus don’t have a horn and unicorns don’t have wings, it is a P-E-G-A-C-O-R-N
OMG ! THE UNICORN…..IS SO…CUTE ! ! ! i might DIE ! ! !
I so wanna be a Unicorn when i grow up, im so obessed, it just makes mje smile when i see a rainbow unicorn
I LOVE UNICORNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG ITS SO FLUFFY IM GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE UNICORNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i alawys hated how i couldnt draw them! so thanks cus this is super easy and my unicorn didnt turn out ugly!!!! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m glad that this helped!!!
it needs a mustache
I….I…….I….I wanna be a unicorn when i grow up!!
heyyyyyy i saw this unicorn and it made me realize me and my friends always joke around about unicorns and we just love how they are and how little kids love them haha….but anyways i loved this unicorn best because i could actually draw it pretty good and even if i couldnt draw it good i still like it just because of the colors and………well…….its………..COLORFUL!!!!!!!HAHA.And if whoever looks or sees this if you have seen Dispicable Me this unicorn looks so……..FLUFFY IM GONNA DIE haha well that was my opinion but now i got my friend here with me who wants to give her opinion soooo i hope its as good as mine so yea here you go……..! hey this is HER friend i just wanted to say this unicorn isn’t pretty at all……….its BEAUTIFUL…..haha but anyway i have looked up cute unicorns on google before and none this cute came up yes that is my nicest way of saying this is the cutest unicorn i have ever seen……..on google so yea ……ok here is my friend again cause i dont know what else to say ……… ok hey im back and i got some stuff to say well this is the END SO IM MOVING ON LETTING GO HOLDING ON TO TOMORROW I ALWAYS GOT THE MEMORIES WHILE IM FINDING OUT WHO IM GONNA BEEEE WE MIGHT BE APART BUT I HOPE YOU ALWAYS KNOW ILL BE WITH YOU WHEREVER YOU GOOOOO!!!!!!SORRY my sister told me to do that and i didnt want to make her feelings so i did but anyway this is the end of what i had to say sooo bye from both of us
Written by: Caitlyn McFueler and Lexi Gray
Wow, i learned how to draw that so fast!!!! My friend’s B-Day is coming up in like 3 days!!!! She’ll love it, cuz she loves unicorns!!! thanx!!!!
I’m glad you like it! You should post your picture.