Today we will show you how to draw a cartoon girl / woman holding a putty cat purring away. We will guide you through drawing these 2 cartoon characters step by step with easy instructions and illustrations. Have fun.
How to Draw Cartoon Girl Holding a Kitty Cat Step by Step Drawing Lesson
Step 1
Step 1) draw an oval shape and define a vertical line for nose (“nose-line”) and a horizontal line for eyes (“eyes-line”)
Step 2
Step 2) on the eyes-line draw two circles for eyes, make sure that the eyes are placed on the same distance from the vertical “nose-line”
Step 3
Step 3) on the “nose-line” draw lines where mouth and nose will be, then draw eye-brows following the shape of the eyes. For the right eye continue the eye-brow line and finish it with a shape of a nose
Step 4
Step 4) now draw lines for upper lip and for lower bottom lip – just slight marks, draw the ear, then erase the “nose-line” and the “eyes-line”. Finish the eyes.
Step 5
Step 5) continue with the shape of the mouth and draw a curve for the left corner of the mouth to draw a smile – now we are ready with the face! Then, imagine (or draw and erase later) a line connecting two points the lower corner of the ear and the top of the head and mark the center of that line (make sure that it is on the left above the corner of the left eye-brow)
Step 6
Step 6) from the point you just marked in Step 5 draw three lines – one for the forelock, one for lock on the temple, and one for parting
Step 7
Step 7) now, draw the shape of the hair-do and then erase all the lines that now became covered by the hair. Draw the neck (to mark thickness of the neck correctly, notice that one line starts from the ear, and the other not far from the corner of the mouth)
Step 8
Step 8) with a light touch of your pencil mark six curves for hair locks – start from the parting and follow the contour of the hair-do when approaching its curve, try to draw the locks of equal thickness. Then, lightly draw a rectangle and through the middle of each side draw “nose-line” and “eyes-line” for cat’s head. Draw a shape of the head (notice how the curve is going on the upper side of the rectangle, and how it goes on its lower side)
Step 9
Step 9) Finish the lines for hair locks of the girl. The girl is drawn! Now, the cat is left! On the “eyes-line” draw the eyes – lines are a bit curved and outer corners of the eyes are a bit above the “eyes-line”. Then, draw the nose slightly lower than the middle of the rectangle. Now the cat’s mouth and the ears. Notice where the lines start! (for the mouth – the corners of the mouth are right below the center of the eyes and for the ears – the lines start right above the inner corners of the cat’s eyes)
Step 10
Step 10) Erase all the auxiliary lines. Draw the cat’s chin (a slightly stretched small oval shape, the neck, the whiskers, and the stripes. Notice where the lines start! Draw a smooth line joining the cat’s chin and neck. Now clean up the drawing – erase all the lines that we don’t need and make sure that all the lines look neat and firm.
Step 11
That’s it! Now we are ready to color the drawing!
Step 12
Technorati Tags: cartoon girls, draw cartoon girls, draw cartoons, drawing cartoons, draw cartoon girl, drawing cartoon girls, draw cats, drawing cats, draw cartoon cats, how to draw, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials