Learn how to draw Disney’s version of Winnie the Pooh. He is one of the most recognized cartoon characters all around the world…almost as popular as Disney’s Mickey Mouse. Today, I will show you how to draw Winnie the Pooh in this easy to follow, step by step drawing lesson guide.
Here Are Even More Disney Characters Drawing Tutorials
How to Draw Winnie the Pooh with Easy Step by Step Drawing Lessons for Kids
Step 1
First draw a circle and draw a line around the circle as if it were a ball (in both directions). The vertical line determines the “center” of the head where the nose is placed, and the horizontal line determines where the eyes will be placed.
Step 2
So now make it look as if you were trying to draw a lollipop with a curved stick, but add a fat circular / oval-ish shape at the bottom of the circle. The curved stick will be Pooh’s spine.
Step 3
Draw a pear-shaped curve that reaches the bottom of the spine. This will be Pooh’s fat belly.
Step 4
Add stick arms and feet. Since Pooh is a cute cartoon character, make sure that the sticks are short to give him cute stubby arms and legs.
Step 5
Complete the arm and legs sticks to give them form and mass around the sticks that you drew in the previous step.
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
You can now draw his face using the guide lines, then erase all of those guide lines once done.
Step 9 – The Shirt
Some people have problem with the shirt so here is some help…
Just use basic shapes to help you draw them.
Step 10 – Finish up Your Drawing of Disney’s Winnie the Pooh
Add his clothes now…darken the outer lines and re-check that there isn’t anything else to erase. Now you are done…I hope that you learn how to draw Winnie the Pooh and that you had a great time.
Here Are Even More Disney Characters Drawing Tutorials
Technorati Tags: winnie the pooh, draw winnie the pooh, how to draw winnie the pooh, draw pooh, drawing pooh, how to draw pooh, drawing winnie the pooh, draw cartoon bears, cartoon bears, how to draw, drawing lessons, drawing kids, cartooning
You are very talented! Clear steps, great drawing, no videos, love it!
it is so easy and so fun at the same time but i got a bit stuck with the shirt but the whole thing but the shirt bit was very easy and fun i loved working and having fun drawing the best thing in the world and that is Winnie the Pooh ta ta for now ; )
this pic is very cool and beautiful
so nice it has improved my drawing my mother was very impreesed keep it up your hard work
amazing! i love it! the shirt didn’t come out as i thought it would (hint hint) but it still was a great lesson thing thx!
The instruction is fabulous. Drawing the shirt is to just do it until you have it down enough in your mind to do it. i am a newbie to drawing. I use to have a tough time drawing a straight line much less drawing anything that even resembled what I wanted to draw. The name of the game is patience. You have to clear your mind of anything that is a distraction and make sure you have a big eraser.:)
I do the drawings and then show them to my friends and I don’t tell them who the character is I let them guess and almost everyone of them knew it immediately who the character was. So, I knew I was definitely improving which is the name of the game also. it is a great past time and who knows some day you may become famous but first you have to learn patience.
Wow! You are very mature to realize this already! You will be whatever you put your mind and heart to! Keep it up!
I Followed All The Steps Without The Extra Steps
To Me The Shirt Steps Were Pretty Clear All You Had To Do Was Copy It Down Then
Touch It Up. Good Job And Thanks (:
Thank you! I’m so glad it helped!!
I found this to be a really simple way to learn how to draw pooh and drawing the shirt was simple too. Thank you for the help!!!!!!!!
I’m glad that the tutorials help you!!!
This drawing was pretty easy for me to draw! I had a little trouble with the shirt but I sort of got it.
this is extremely hard
they dont tell how to draw his shirt easily
This is the best website and I am going to come here every single day here for one hour.
in step 9 there is a proper way to draw the shirt
The shirt’s steps aren’t really clear
What part of the shirt makes it difficult for you?
umm how do you draw the shirt now!1?!?!?!?!?! i have a projcet due how do you draw teh dnag shirt
I put some more steps to help you with the shirt.
i need help drawing pooh’s shirt!!!!!!!!!!!
What part are you having troubles with – the sleeves?
they dont teach u how to draw his shirt )=
Oh, I see…did you click to the next page link at the bottom and top of the tutorial?