Today we will learn how to draw one of the villains on Adventure Time … The Ice King. This is a drawing tutorial for cartooning the Ice King in easy step by step instructions. Find the directions below.
Here are Even More Drawing Tutorials from Adventure Time, such as Jake the Dog and Fin the Human Boy
How to Draw The Ice King from Adventure Time with Easy Step by Step Lesson
Step 1
First, start out by drawing the basic shapes that make up The Ice King’s head and beard. This is basically a football shape for the beard and for the crown, draw 2 capital letter ‘M’s that meat in the middle at a higher point (or 3 triangles). Lightly sketch a line down the center. Also draw a frowny mouth.
Step 2
Lightly sketch a line across the face like so. This is will help you place facial features properly.
Step 3
Draw a curved line at the bottom of the crown. Now draw a long letter ‘V’ right through the mouth. Also draw a curved line at the bottom of the Ice King. Also draw hs sleeves. Do this by Drawing a big bubble-letter ‘U’ across the entire king’s body (also, the letter ‘u’ is upside down).
Step 4
Now draw the part of the Ice King’s face where it shows through his beard (the blue part). Make a capital letter ‘N’ on the left side of the nose and a backwards letter ‘N’ on the right side of his face. Then draw an inward pointed (diagonal) line up towards the crown from both sides.
Step 5
Now make the frowny mouth into an open frowny mouth by making a frowny mouth line above the first one that is bigger, and then connect them (looks like a hotdog). Also draw hands by drawing zig-zags like a letter ‘w’. Also form the beard…putting a few zig-zags in there to make it look hairy.
Step 6
Draw teeth inside the mouth by drawing a bunch of triangle shapes. Draw circles for eyes….rectangles for eyebrows (on either side is a letter ‘m’ shape). To draw the jewels… look below for instructions.
Drawing Gems / Jewels from Straight On
Drawing Gems / Jewels on the Left of Crown
Drawing Gems / Jewels on the Right Side of Crown
Here are Even More Drawing Tutorials from Adventure Time, such as Jake the Dog and Fin the Human Boy
Technorati Tags: ice king, draw ice king, drawing ice king, how to draw ice king, adventure time, draw adventure time, drawing adventure time, how to draw, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, cartooning, cartoons, gems, jewels, cartoon gems
You should put up a better one of Lady Rainicorn and Marceline
i like this drawing