Being able to draw realistic human eyes looks like it would be near impossible to attain. Well, you would be wrong if you think this. I know that you could draw great, realistic eyes. The following drawing lesson will guide you through drawing realistic eyes in simple to follow steps. Find this guide below.
How to Draw Realistic Eyes with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorials
Step 1
Draw 3 circles.
Step 2
Lightly sketch the top lid.
Step 3
Now draw the lower lid.
Step 4
Now draw a curved line above the top lid.
Step 5
Now fix things up a bit and add the tear duct on the left side of the eye.
Step 6
Put some shadow into the tear duct by hatching a few lines. Darken in the pupil (the inner circle) and darken the outline of the circle that surrounds it.
Step 7
Now draw lines in the iris (the area around the dark circle (pupil). They are sort of like spirograph lines … like just making twisty lines. Hatch some lines for shadows under the top lid.
Step 8
Now draw the lashes as I did above.
Step 9
Now use a really good eraser to erase 2 highlights in the pupil / iris. If you did this with marker or pen or paint, then get some white paint and paint in the highlight.
Step 10
Above is the finished realistic eye drawing. I hope that yours turned out great and that you had a LOT of fun. Thanks for coming here for this tutorial.
If you still need more help in drawing human eyes, then please take a look out our Eye Drawing Tutorials Page … you will find tons of tutorials there to learn more about drawing People’s eyes.
Technorati Tags: eyes, draw eyes, drawing eyes, how to draw eyes, realistic eyes, draw realistic eyes, how to draw, drawing lessons, draw people, faces, people, humans, figures, heads, drawing for kids
Your a really good drawer great job
lol. That’s funny
You’re literally a cartoon version of Leonardo Da Vinci! YOU DRAW SO GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!
lol, thank you
Thanks this trick was very helpful it helped me to make even lines and not make things all wonky. Thank you for all the help with this website, also do you draw dogs I haven’t looked yet.
WOW, it really worked, I love it so much.
WOW, it really worked, I love it so muck.
….. now i don’t suck anymore!
Nice eye. EYE see you are good at drawing now
awseome I learned something today
Thank you. Very helpful.
wow this is amazing i drew my eye at first it was terrrible then my second eye it was so perfect like yours also thanks
Wow! Great job!
i love the website
cool u are awesome
yeah u are coollllllllllllllll
Yippeeeeeee!!!!!i can finally draw a realistic eye!!!!thanks alot
Can you draw a demin eyes
Hi, I’m Katniss. I’ve always loved drawing and I always thought drawing eyes were hard, but after doing this tutorial, I’m great. Thanks so so so so so so so so so much for making it!
Cool. Are you an artist?
Thanks, Jaleyhia. I love to I guess that makes me an artist. I used to paint murals for a living.
What? thats soooo cool!!!!
Hi! I’ve been working on changing my style lately, I’m super frustrated, and this has made a HUGE difference. This tutorial is greatness. Once I figure out noses, lips, and hair, I’ll be good. Good job, creator person!
I loved this tutorial I tried a different one and it turned out horrible but when I tried yours I got this amazing real looking eye. Any chance you have one on faces.
I’m glad it helped you. I don’t any specific eye tutorials that are on the face – but you can find some face drawing tutorials here – some that have some vivid eyes within them
thank you very much guys that’s really awesome but plz can u draw an angry eye cuz my friend is angry from me i want to draw for them an picture so plz
He better calm down and i work in the office that makes this so i am gonna help you
im adopted and my little 3 year old brother has died just recently and i have been drawing eyes ever since, they help me regain my peace and optimism in my life. Thanks to your eye sketch i have successfully disected my little brothers eyeball. Thanks again, I hope you draw a nose soon.
I’m so sorry about your baby brother. I’m glad that you have found something that brings you peace. You can try this nose tutorial or this one if you want to. <3
im so sorry for your loss and am very hopeful for life ahead for you. hope you have a good time drawing your brothers eye
I am soooooooo sorry about your brother. hope he rest in peace. Be couregeous
why did you draw a sad eye
I’m the best artist now!
Thanks for helping?
this is so lit . thanks been looking for this thanks so much
This amazing . thank you so much.?
I have been looking for something to easily teach me to draw a realistic eye.Just a bit more practice and I’ll ace my art class.(I love art class) Thank you.And once again this website has everything I NEED.
This was soo good didn’t believe I could do it but I did thanks
so thats how my friend did it, thxs for telling me. Now i can do it better then him.
Thanks so much
this helped a lot
Soooo help full
totaly amaaaaaaaaaaaazing
Thanx a lot. Totally helped me at a school assignment. u’re da best
that eye was so hard but worth it
Omg! I love this website! It contains steps for everything I’ve ever wanted to draw! I am sooooooo glad you posted this how to draw a realistic eye! I used to think eyes were hard to draw! You wouldn’t happen to have how to draw foxes?…………..would you?
perfect I feel like an artist mine is way better then yours
you don’t need to be so rude
you are so rude
Loved this tutorial. Helped me a lot and so easy to follow. I feel so happy and proud of how mine turned out.
Thank you very much!
Love it mine has turned out just like yours well kind of.
Thank you so much!
A while ago I found this tutorial and loved it. It changed my style and made it so much better! This is the best tutorial around, thank you so much!
I was so scared because I tried to draw eyes (I haven’t in about 3 months) and it failed so miserably. I have an art exams coming up and I just freaked! Is really helped, thank you so so so much!
yeaha i made it just as you
Thanks a lot!! I can barely draw and out of all the sites this was the best!! I will recommend it all my drawing friends and ALWAYS use it!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!
I’m so glad it helped you1
i tried on paper it workd tried on the computer drawing thing on this website it ended up like a bird1
Fantastica!!! ;D
Awesome!!! Sooo good!!!! Now, I wonder how my left eye will turn out???
Wow, this is really great and easy to follow! I did a couple of steps my own way, but it was just because of my drawing style. It is really great! Thanks for teaching this to me xD
it is brilliant it really helped me with my art homework thanks
I am better than u
You are a rude and arrogant child that should not be allowed to socialize unless accompanied with a responsible adult!
I did my own some steps my way too… I feel like the tear duct was a tad bit down too far… So I made it a bit higher up. This taught me how to make SUCH A GOOD EYE!!! Easy to remember too. My old eyes were sooo ugly ??????
Thank you so much, my mom was an amazing artist and i was really sad cause i lacked n that talent from my parents, and i could never draw the eyes so i just stopped drawing. Now that i saw those and learned how to do them, my drawing are looking amazing and im actually getting really good feedback on them!!!
Thx so much!!!!!!
wow yours is awesoe mines not as good but its pretty good for someone who cant draw lol
thanks to these…………….i learn very much to perfect my drawings
(My name is not Missy Anni Bel)
My drawings came out AB FAB! they look great!
I have done 2B pencil, woodless charcoal and next I’m doing graphite stick.
My drawings look amazing!
I never knew it was so simple…
Missy Anni Bel
I’m so glad that it worked for you!!!
wow, finally something easy to follow!
Mine turned out great, thanks a lot!
Thank you…glad it helped you. Keep drawing!
thanks it turned out so good but not as good as yours. thanks again!
that i can do thanks i was looking for something easy like that
Same for me! Not as good…. But still good looking in my opinion. Its my own style ?
Jst saw ur eyes awzm!!
I just drew finn mc missile for My son he lvd it thnx
You ROCK thanks for all the help it really worked out well.
hey it was awesome. thanx
its very helpful, thanks !
hey can you also do the left eye because im bad at makeing 2 eyes look alike
i like drawing and i search but i did not found know i found and i am very happy than you
thank you verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry much
omg urs is way better than mine and mine is bad i just dont no how do do step 2,3 and if i cant do them i cant do it i amm a failer
Wonderful website. I used. To draw all the time but had not done so in many, many years. I have really, really enjoyed this site and will continue to utilize its tutorials.
my eye came out great thanx
this is amazing ive been drawing my whole life and this made me go up a whole new level thnxs
its very helpful to draw …
So glad it helped….if you keep trying…yours will be better than this one.
Wow! I’ve tried all my life to draw realistic eyes and finally, thanks to your help, I’ve accomplished it!
So helpful! Thx so much!
Oh my god. Finally something that I can follow! I never realized that it was so easy. THANK YOU SO MUCH. They look amazing.
Awesome job. Ya, yours is really good, but not as good as mine. awesomely done,
omg urs is so much better than mine but mine pretty good tnx 4 teaching me!