Everyone loves baby animals, especially baby chicken and duck chicks. They are adorable and not very hard to draw. Today, I will show you, step by step, how to draw baby chicks. I use familiar shapes, such as letters and numbers, to teach you how to draw this baby chick.
Draw Chicks : How to Draw Cartoon Baby Chicks in Easy Steps
Step 1
First draw a circle for the chick’s face…draw a line around the center of the face (as if you were wrapping the line around a ball). This is a guideline to help you place the facial features of the baby duck / chicken.
Step 2
Now use the guideline to help you place the baby’s chick’s beak. Draw a line outwards, slightly curved upwards, and then bring it down in a curve.
Step 3
Draw an oval in the beak for the nostril. Draw a sideways letter ‘v’ for the eye as well.
Step 4
Now draw an oval for the chick’s body. Draw another oval towards the back of the first oval…this will be the wing. Also finish up the eye with a curved line…fill it in except for a small oval for the eye’s highlight.
Step 5
Now lets concentrate on the wing. Inside the oval…draw a sideways letter ‘v’ like shape that is more curved. Draw lines within it for feathers.
Also draw stick figure legs….2 rectangles and 2 ovals.
Step 6
Draw a sideways letter ‘v’ that is a bit curvier than a ‘v’ for the chick’s tail. Also within the rectangle feet, draw the webbing of the feet. Notice that the ends of each feet look li ke backwards number ‘3’.
Step 7
Now erase guidelines and lines that you don’t need anymore and darken lines that are important. You can also draw little lines all over the duck for feathers. I hope that your baby chick turned out as good or better than mine. Have fun.
Technorati Tags: draw chicks, draw baby chicks, drawing baby chicks, baby chicks, draw cartoon chicks, cartooning, how to draw chicks, how to draw, drawing step by step, drawing for kids, drawing animals, drawing cartoons
This is a very nice tutorial. It is easy to understand and makes a cute little duck in the end.
Thank you!
This is such a good tutorial!!! I’m writing a book about my grandma’s chickens (for my grandma) and I was about to die trying to draw a chick. This does look a little like a duck but there are some chickens (the yellow fluffy ones) that look like this. Thanks sooooo much for the tutorial!!!
That is so cool that you are writing a book! I hope you can show us when it is done. I’m glad that the tutorial helped! Have fun with the book!
looks like a duck, though
this was so easy .. i skipped to the 7th stepped and just drew it out perfectly (:
i drew it perfect turned out great! 🙂
Cartoonbaby chickens | CarBuyerPro
[…] How to Draw Chicks : Drawing Cartoon Baby Chicks in Easy Steps …Jul 29, 2010 … Draw Chicks : Learn how to draw baby chicks with the following easy step by step drawing lessons for kids, teens, and adults. […]
This DID NOT Help Me What So Ever. Too Complicated, Had To Erase Too Much.. Just Ugh.
Really? This helped me a whole lot.