Because of the unusual shape of the hips, a simple concept must be conceived. Like the head it is square in concept and is tilted forward. It has six planes, front, back, two side top where the cage is attached and bottom where the legs come from. The hips consist of three major bones. The Pubis, the Illium in front and the Ischium behind. TheĀ lower end of the spinal column is wedged in between both blades at the Sacrum. The hips can bend with the cage or twist opposite the cage in many positions because of the spaces in the vertebra.
The large muscle, External oblique, comes from the lower eight ribs to the lilac crest and a ligament branches from it to the pubis. The Gluteus medius comes from the outer surface of the Illium, covering the great trochanter and to the side of the femur.
The Gluteus maximus ( the part you sit on) the largest muscle of the hip comes from the rear part of the crest of the Illium, the Sacrum, the Coccyx and to the side of the Femur. Looking directly in front of the pelvis, the tensor Vaginal femoris comes from the front end of the crest of the Illfum to the Facia lata on the outer side of the leg, directly in front. The Rectus femoris comes from the inferior spine of the Illium to the Patella ( knee cap ). The Sartorius comes from the knob in front of the Illium down along-side of the rectus to below the knee cap inside the Tibia.
Above you can see how to simplify the hips so that you can draw them more easily. Notice the rotation of the entire torso and hips and how they move together. Draw the hips as a rectangle at first so that you can get the right rotation of the hips…as pictured above.
Technorati Tags: drawing hips, draw hips, draw female hips, draw male hips, how to draw hips, how to draw female hips, how to draw male hips, draw human hips, hips, how to draw, drawing less, drawing tutorials, human anatomy, drawing anatomy
Man I used to have the book that these pics were from, great to find it online. A lot of people seem to struggle with the hands, but for me the hips legs and feet are the hardest when drawing from my imagination. I can get down good gestural sketches and I understand controposto, but to really draw a detailed sculpted looking leg is just difficult.
The Hips | Design Zombie
[…] thinking about planes lately and this tutorial looks at the hip area from this point of view: Share this:ShareFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first […]
this was awesome!! gosh, i love drawing… this helps me a lot.. thankyou