How to Draw the Movement of Shapes and People’s Figures
Once you have learned to see and know shapes, the next most important thing is learning to see and know the movements of shapes. Each thing, each person moves in a way all his own. We all walk, but we all walk in our own way. You can recognize a friend by the way he walks, even though he may be in disguise. Animals walk, run, and move each in its own way. Even trees move in their own way as they grow or when the wind tosses them.
Before you start to draw a shape, study the way it moves. Watch the way one shape moves into the shape next to it, the way shapes flow together, the contrasting movements of shapes. Try to feel that movement in your own body. You will draw much better if you feel like the
prancing horse or the crouching cat you are trying to get down on paper.
Since the best way to learn how to draw is to draw, why not turn – back now and copy some or all of the drawings that you have looked
at here? Draw big!
Technorati Tags: draw movement, drawing movement, how to draw movement, draw figures, figure drawing, how to draw, drawing lessons, draw shapes, drawing shapes, draw action, drawing action, draw people
This tutorial helped me with movement and gesture drawings
Thanks for the help
THanks,the drawings helped me at school
This website really helped me alot. Thanks!
you cannot find a better site than this if u wish to learn how to draw
I luv this website it is the best WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Thanks!!!! Come back and keep drawing!
good & best drawing for standard 5 and higher
I LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEEE this website it helps me enter the world of drawing. i can now draw sooooooo realisticly with only 3 steps!!!!!!!!!8-D
I’m so glad that you love the website.