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The Rugrats have been around for about 2 decades and it is a great show that most, if not all, kids love. Well, I have put together an easy step by step drawing tutorial that builds up Tommy Pickle’s form with simple shapes, numbers, and letters. Not only will young kids be able to do this, but also teens and adults will enjoy it as well. Find the easy Tommy drawing lesson & instructions below. Good luck.
You Might Also Like Other Rugrats Drawing Tutorials (for characters such as Dill and Chuckie)
How to Draw Tommy from The Rugrats with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorials
Step 1
Draw an oval for Tommy’s left eye. Draw the oval slanting inwards.Draw a small circle to the bottom right of the eye. Draw an upside down question mark shape for the nose. Draw a shadow underneath the question mark.
Step 2
Draw a smaller oval for the right eye. Also make this oval slanting inwards towards the nose. Draw a small circle, for the pupil, down towards the bottom of the eye. Also draw the eyebrows.
Step 3
Now draw Tommy’s mouth.
Step 4
Draw the bottom lip. Draw the left ear by drawing a letter ‘c’ with a backwards number ‘7’ within it.
Step 5
Draw the outline of Tommy’s face …it is the shape of an oval with curves and dips throughout the entire shape.
Step 6
Now draw a huge circle from the middle of Tommy’s head, for the ball that Tommy is playing with. Also draw 3 dots for freckles and draw lines on top of the head for Tommy’s hairs.
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i love the rugrats! awesome!