Learn how to draw maple leaves with easy step by step drawing lessons for kids. If you have a difficult shape to draw, first you must try to see how it is put together. For instance, a maple leaf is not an easy shape to draw. But if you look at the way it is made, it is much easier. Here is the leaf.
Learn how to Draw Oak Leaves As Well.
How to Draw Maple Leaves – Easy Leaf step by step drawing lesson
First, take a look at the maple leaf that is illustrated above. Decide what the basic shape is. Look at the stem. See how it continues to the tip of the leaf. Look at the “ribs” of the leaf. Think of the angles where they meet at the stem. Now you can put he big shapes in. Now the details! Always try to see the big shapes first; leave the details to the last. Look at the step by step instructions below.
Step 1
Draw a square….then draw the stem through the center.
Step 2
Look at the ribs of the leaf. Think of the angles where they meet the stem. See how they look like sideways ‘v’s at the bottom of the leaf and the top of the leaf looks like a letter ‘v’.
Step 3
Now draw the outside of the leaf…you can follow the square outline that you drew in the first step.
If it is hard for you to draw the outline of the leaf, I have color coded help below.
Outline of Leaf – 1
At the bottom of the leaf, draw a flattened letter ‘w’ shape. Draw an upside down letter ‘v’ shape.
Outline of Leaf – 2
Now draw the 3 letter ‘J’s that you see (2 are backwards).
Outline of Leaf – 3
Now draw a number ‘7’ at the right and a backwards letter ‘z’ at the left of the leaf.
Step 4
Now draw the outer ribbed shapes of the leaf.
Step 5 – Finished Drawing of a Maple Leaf
Technorati Tags: draw leaf, drawing leaf, how to draw a leaf, draw leaves, drawing leaves, how to draw leaves, draw maple leaf, draw maple leaves, how to draw maple leaves, drawing tutorial, drawing lessons, drawing for kids
Cool I can’t wait to try to do more of this!
im the best drawer in the world
Im so bad
I used to be too – just keep practicing and you’ll get better
This is not what i was looking for but it will help with an project or something like drawing cause I’m bore
I suck now KNOW I truly know I suck.
No you don’t!
Do not be discouraged. This is a great exercise. But you must keep in mind that it is an exercise and that you will need to practice to get better. Save every copy of this exercise (or others) that you do so you can compare them. You will be amazed at how far you have gone in weeks, months or years when you do this. Basically, this exercise is helping you change how you see the objects you want to draw.
I know I’m replying to an older post. I think this may help others who find this site like I did from a basic Google search. I studied art for two years in high school. I haven’t been able to draw for a few years thanks to some health problems. My drawing look like a two year old’s at this time. However, I know each time I use this exercise I will improve.
I love this…thanks Lynx for talking Preston through it. I hope that you keep improving with your drawing skills, Lynx….sorry that you had some health setbacks!
This is a really awesome website and thoroughly amazing
It helps me understand how to draw a maple leaf
This is great
awesome. it looks great for me!
This was really useful for my art project on nature, would recommend it.
dhis now my favoride webside for drawing now
Same for me
i meant ace!
this looks ce!
irealy coool
How to Draw Oak Leaves with Step by Step Drawing Lessons « Drawing Nature &Laquo; Illustration &Amp; Realistic Style « Step by Step Drawing Blog
[…] Learn how to draw oak leaves with easy step by step drawing lessons for kids. If you have a difficult shape to draw, first you must try to see how it is put together. For instance, an oak tree leaf is not an easy shape to draw. But if you look at the way it is made, it is much easier. Below you will find the oak leaf drawing instructions in 4 simple steps … great for kids, teens, and adults alike. You Might Also Enjoy to Learn How to Draw Maple Leaves. […]