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Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends is a funny cartoon TV show where silly imaginary friends stay at a foster home for imaginary characters. Today I will teach you how to draw Eduardo from Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends with easy step by step instructions within this lesson.
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How to Draw Eduardo from Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
Firstly, start drawing Eduardo by drawing the basic shapes that make up his form. Lightly sketch a wide oval and then draw a smaller wide oval for the face…draw it at the top of the oval.
Step 2
Draw a boxy letter ‘U’ like shape below the head. Draw a line around the center of Eduardo’s face…horizontally (left and right) and vertically (up and down).
Step 3
Draw both of Eduardo’s eyes at the top-right and top-left of the head. Draw large pupils inside the eyes.
Step 4
Draw the nose by drawing 2 circle-oval type shape for the nostrils. And draw a sideways number ‘3’ like shapes above these nostrils for the top of the nose. Also draw the wrinkles in the head.
Step 5
Draw thin lines around the eyes. Draw the teeth as well by drawing a letter ‘v’ shape for each tooth.
Step 6
Draw letter ‘M’ type shapes for the inside teeth. Draw the eyebrows by drawing a long line across the top of the eyes … make jaggedy edges at each side.
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i failed on step 14
wo0ow !!!
how do you draw real cute baby monsters thanks Can you help me