Do you want to learn how to draw an adorable cartoon panda bear? Here is a step by step drawing tutorial for learning how to draw cute comic pandas. Follow the following step by step instructions and you will be able to draw this panda easily – kids, teens, and adults can all do this.
How to Draw Cartoon Pandas / Panda Bears with Easy Steps
Step 1
The panda’s head is a circle.
Step 2
Small circles make up the ears….the ear on the left is much bigger.
Step 3
Finish ears by erasing the dashed lines and adding a bit of detail as seen above. Also draw in the panda’s cheeks.
Step 4
Now draw the eyes where the circle (head) and cheeks meet. Draw an oval for each eye and draw a smaller oval inside the oval for the panda’s iris.
Step 5
Now his mouth and nose. The nose can be drawn by drawing a letter ‘u’ and then closing it with a curved line. Draw the mouth as a backwards letter ‘J’.
Step 6
Finish the eyes up and then make the panda bear furry.
Step 7
A bean shape makes his body.
Step 8
Start arms where body and head meet.
If you have a hard time figuring out how to draw the hands…try to see shapes that you CAN draw easily within the hand’s form. Look below to see what I mean.
On the right hand – do you see the letter ‘w’ (red)…the letter ‘u’ (aqua) and the letter ‘J’ (green). On the left hand do you see a question mark shape (aqua) and a letter ‘w’ (red).
Step 9
Continue body line down to the feet and draw the shoes as well.
Step 9
Draw waist and chest lines.
Step 10 – Finished Cartoon of a Panda Bear
Add black to ears, chest, arms, and soles of shoes.
Now you just have to erase lines that you don’t need and outline the ‘correct’ lines with a pen or marker. If you are having problems figuring out which lines to erase, then reference the drawing (above) for help. With the thick outside dark marker line, darken the outside lines to make it look sharp. Doesn’t the comic styled panda bear look Awesome?!
Technorati Tags: drawing pandas, drawing panda bears, draw pandas, draw panda bears, how to draw pandas, cartoon pandas, cartoon panda bears, cartooning, drawing cartoons, draw comics, drawing for kids
im 9 and this is easy
im 9 and this is easy
this is cool my girlfriend loves pandas
this is a aewsome website for my daughter to learn how to drawTHANK-YOU
I’m so glad that you like it.