If you love sea creatures, then you probably love seahorses. Who doesn’t? These little creatures look like cute little horses that live under water. Today, I will be teaching you how to draw cartoon style seahorses with easy step by step drawing lessons. I will help you build up the character’s form with easy shapes, numbers, and letters to help you through the hard lines and curves. Children, teens, and adults will all be able to complete this cartooning tutorial. Good luck.
How to Draw Seahorses with Step by Step Cartoon Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
Draw a curvy ‘J’ like shape to start out the body of the seahorse.
Step 2
Now break down the shape of the seahorse’s head to make it easier for you to draw it. In blue, see the shapes that look like sideways capital letter ‘L’s. In yellow, see the shape that looks like a letter ‘m’ or a sideways number ‘3’.
Step 3
Now draw the front and back of the seahorse. In the front, see the blue shape that looks like a backwards letter ‘s’. Under that, in yellow, see the shape that looks like a letter ‘J’. For the back, just follow the shape of the curved line in front of it.
Step 4
Now, draw a circle for the seahorse’s eye (in pink). In red, draw the fin that looks like a triangle that isn’t quite connected. Below that, draw a backwards number ‘7’ (in yellow). For the fin that is on the back, draw a backwards ‘J’ (blue), a backwards number ‘3’ like shape (orange), and a capital letter ‘L’ like shape (green).
Step 5 – Finished Cartoon Seahorse Character Drawing Lesson
Now, to finish off the drawing of a cartoon-style sea horse…draw a circle within the eye. Fill in that circle except for a small circle space (the highlight). Draw an upward curved capital letter ‘T’ for the seahorse’s smile. Also draw lines within the fins…. and draw curved capital letter ‘E’s all over the seahorse’s body for scales.
Now just erase lines that you don’t need and outline the ‘correct’ lines with a black pen or marker. Making thick, interesting lines instead of the thin pencil lines makes quite a difference in the end result, doesn’t it? If you are having problems figuring out which lines to erase, then reference my drawing (above) for help. Now you will have an amazing cartoon drawing of a cartoon whimsical seahorse to show off to your friends.
Technorati Tags: draw seahorses, drawing seahorses, how to draw seahorses, seahorses, cartoon seahorses, draw cartoon seahorses, how to draw, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, drawing for kids, cartooning, drawing cartoons, drawing comics
I am 9 And this was the easiest picture I have ever drawn.
I don’t know how 12 and 13 year olds thought this was hard.
EASY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D
easy as pie
Animated seahorse | Myactorstore
[…] How to Draw Seahorses with Step by Step Cartoon Drawing Lesson …Feb 8, 2010 … How to draw seahorses with easy step by step drawing cartoons and comics lessons. […]
Its sooooooooooooo cute ,well it was easy , veryyyyyyyyyyyyy easy !!!!!!!!!!!!!
its very3 easy!!
it is a very dirty drawing i had ever seen
it was hard but now it’s getting easier!
awesome this was cool
hey this was so fun and i loved it im 10 and i felt it soooooooooo easy
I think mine turned out pretty well for my first time!
im 12 and mine looks obese and suicidal
I thought it was easy at first but then mine turned out really bad.
easy pessy lemon squeeze
I think that it was not too hard after a few goes!!!!
Im 13 and this is hard :/ Well try try again
mine looks like a three
THIS IS VERY HARD AND I’M ALMOST TEN. well that still counts me as a child but what evs