Categories: Rugrats

How to Draw Dill Pickles from Rugrats (aka Dil) with Step by Step Drawing Instructions


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Rugrats has been around for about 2 decades and it is a great show that most, if not all, kids love. Well, I have put together an easy step by step drawing tutorial that builds up Dil Pickle’s (aka Dill Pickles) form with simple shapes, numbers, and letters. Not only will young kids be able to do this, but also teens and adults will enjoy it as well. Find the easy Dil drawing lesson &  instructions below. Good luck.

Find More Rugrats Drawing Tutorials Here (like how to Draw Chuckie)

How to Draw Dil Pickles from Rugrats (aka Dill) with Step by Step Drawing Instructions

Step 1

Draw the basic shape of Dil’s head by drawing a square with a curved line at the top of the square (like an upside down letter ‘u’).

Then, draw a line down the center (vertically) of the square and half circle. Because Tommy’s face is rounded, like a ball, have the horizontal half line go around Tommy’s face….like seen above.

Step 2

Now draw a big oval that sits on the horizontal half-line. Draw a dot in it, for Dil’s pupil

Step 3

Now draw Dil’s right eye the same way that you did the left eye, except draw a curved line at the bottom right of the eye. Then draw a nose slightly to the right of the center of the vertical line, and below the curved horizontal line. The nose looks like an upside down letter ‘u’.

Step 4

Now draw Dil’s mouth along most of the bottom of the head. Draw an inwards curved line at the right of the mouth. Draw a tiny line at the bottom of the mouth, for Dill’s bottom lip.

Step 5

Now refine the top of Dil’s head. by making it curvier… and narrower at the top. Draw Dil’s eye brows.

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