Step 14
Draw a downwards turned curve for the top of her hair.
Step 15
Draw a sideways letter ‘v’ at the right-side of the hair.
Step 16
Now draw a letter ‘c’ at the left side of the left hand. Now draw a sideways letter ‘w’ shape on the top of the right hand.
Step 17
Now draw a number ‘3’ below the sideways letter ‘w’ you drew in the previous shape.
Step 18
Now draw a backwards letter ‘J’ on the left side of the right hand.
Step 19
Draw a sideways capital letter ‘E’ shape for Dexter’s shirt.
Step 20
Now draw a filled in oval on Dexter’s lab coat for buttons. Now draw Dexter’s shoes – you will notice that it looks like a sideways bubble letter ‘E’.
Step 21 – Finished Drawing of Dexter from Dexter’s Lab Tutorial
Now you just have to erase lines that you don’t need and outline the ‘correct’ lines with a pen or marker. If you are having problems figuring out which lines to erase, then reference my drawing (above) for help. With the thick outside dark marker line, darken the outside lines to make it look sharp. Doesn’t Dexter from Dexter’s Lab look Awesome?!
Technorati Tags: draw Dexter, Drawing dexter, how to draw dexter, dexter, dexter from dexter’s lab, dexters lab, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, how to draw, drawing for kids, step by step drawing
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how had drawed this is a good artist bt I cant draw this waaaaaaaaaaaaa
just joking I can draw this
nd I luv this
yup its awesome

that was awsome
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