Step 14
Draw a number ‘5’ like shape and a number ‘7’ like shape.
Step 15
Draw a letter ‘T’ like shape.
Step 16
Now draw Chuckie’s left foot by drawing a backwards number ‘3’ (blue) and a number ‘3’ (green), and a letter ‘C’ (red).
Step 17
Draw the bottom of the left shoe and draw a backwards number ‘7’ like shape on the right foot.
Step 18
Draw a sideways letter ‘C’ like shape on the right foot.
Step 19
Draw a backwards capital letter ‘E’ and a forwards capital letter ‘E’ as well as a letter ‘L’.
Step 20
Now draw shoe laces on both shoes.
Step 21
Now just erase lines that you don’t need and outline the ‘correct’ lines with a black pen or marker. Making thick, interesting lines instead of the thin pencil lines makes quite a difference in the end result, doesn’t it? If you are having problems figuring out which lines to erase, then reference my drawing (above) for help. Now you will have an amazing cartoon drawing of Chuckie from The Rugrats to show off to your friends.
Find More Rugrats Drawing Tutorials (such as How to Draw Dill Pickles)
Technorati Tags: rugrats, how to draw rugrats, drawing rugrats, draw rugrats, draw chuckie, drawing chuckie, draw chuckie from rugrats, how to draw chuckie, how to draw, drawing for kids, drawing cartoons, drawing cartoon characters
I the one who made the voice of shrek
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