Learn how to draw the classic cartoon bunny rabbit boxing with his fists up. This is a step by step cartooning lesson that kids, teens, and adults will all enjoy.
How to Draw Cartoon Bunny Rabbit Boxing with Easy Step by Step Tutorial
In constructing a cartoon character, visualize it as a three dimensional puppet that you are joinng together with solid masses. Each part has a definite place to fit according to a formula.
Step 1
First start drawing the comic character (bunny rabbit boxing) by drawing his ‘line of action’. A line of action is an imaginary line that runs through the main action a character’s body. In other words, the line of action is the swing of the body in a particular pose…it is the main direction in which the body bends or stretches or leans. In the drawing above, the line of action is formed by the bunny rabbit leaning backwards while he is boxing.
Step 2
Now draw in the solid masses of the rabbit’s body along the curve of the action line. Draw an oval for the head and a lima bean shape for the body of the rabbit.
Step 3
Now, remember that the bunny rabbit is a 3-dimensional form. Draw a guideline around the center of the head (vertically and horizontally).
Step 4
Now draw ovals for eyes, one on either side of the vertical line (up and down) and another oval for the snout right below the horizontal line (left and right). Also draw the bunny’s ears.
Step 5
Now draw the arms and legs for the bunny rabbit. The legs look like a sideways bubble letter ‘c’ with ovals as feet. For the left arm draw a sideways bubble letter ‘L’ and for the back arm just make a curved arm. Draw a circle for each glove.
Step 6
Put in details of the bunny rabbit’s face now, such as the teeth, mouth, nose, eyes, eye lids, etc.
Step 7
Now draw in the bunny’s fingers and the tail.
Step 8 – Finished Bunny Rabbit Boxing with Fists Up
Now you just have to erase lines that you don’t need and outline the ‘correct’ lines with a pen or marker. If you are having problems figuring out which lines to erase, then reference the drawing (above) for help. With the thick outside dark marker line, darken the outside lines to make it look sharp. Doesn’t the comic styled bunny rabbit player look Awesome?!
Technorati Tags: drawing rabbits, drawing bunnies, drawing bunny, draw bunny, draw bunny rabbit, draw rabbits, how to draw rabbits, cartoon bunnies, cartoon bunny, cartoon rabbits, cartooning, drawing cartoons, draw comics, drawing for kids, boxing, boxers
It is wonderful method, I have try it and draw as per these directions, it is so simple and best
this was a great thing and i hav actually got a great pic i showed my parents and they loved it thnx alot this was great and it only took my a small time
This was great! It took very little time and was worth while. The steps were very easy and now i have a great drawing to frame and hang over my bunny!!!!;b