How to Animate and Move the Cartoon Figure with Cartooning & Animating Techniques


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Do you want to learn how to draw cartoon characters and figures in motion? The following tutorial is essential to you if you want to learn how to move characters and figures in the correct way. The vocabulary of cartooning consists of a few simple forms which represent the main masses of the body or object to be drawn. Once acquired, these forms will flow from your pen as easily as words flow when you speak and it will be within your power to express anything you desire with surprising facility … We might add that there will be many a headache before this vocabulary is mastered. Other animation lessons will follow to get you where you need to be as a wanna-be-cartoonist and animator.

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Use yourself as a model, a full length mirror is a fine aid but you can get along without a mirror if you study yourself in action with great care.

1. In drawing the formula figure which represents “you”  in action, place fee+ solidly on ground first, then place  hip mass where desired by making it agree with your mental image of the final figure in action. It is generally agreed that all cartoon figures should use exaggerated action. This results in giving movement to what otherwise would be a static portrait.

2. Decide body angle and draw line to indicate direction. Connect hip mass to feet.

3. Add shoulder mass, head, and arms. The hip mass is roughly one half the distance from head to feet on a normal figure.

4. Would you like to know how we turned “you” around to this position?

If you wish to cartoon, it is necessary that you acquire some simple way of expressing yourself, so that your pen can keep the speedy pace set by your mind. You can’t write or speak without a vocabulary, nor can you draw without one.

The vocabulary of cartooning consists of a few simple forms which represent the main masses of the body or object to be drawn. Once acquired, these forms will flow from your pen as easily as words flow when you speak and it will be within your power to express anything you desire with surprising facility … We might add that there will be many a headache before this vocabulary is mastered.

All you need for the following lesson is tracing paper, preferably a pad 9x 12 and a pencil. Now, may we caution you not to feel superior to the childish looking forms which have been selected to represent you … For you are going to draw nothing but yourself for quite a while. These are forms which are used with remarkable success at practically every school of cartooning. They contain everything basically essential for speaking the cartoon language.

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