Finally, you must know the correct ways to hold the pencil while drawing. Holding it as you would a pencil or pen while writing is INCORRECT. The CORRECT ways are shown below.
The correct ways are shown in (a), (b), and (c). The wrong method that many beginners insist on using is shown at (d).
By holding your pencil as shown in (a), (b), or (c) you will get complete freedom of arm movement and will, after considerable practice, develop a professional touch that would be impossible to axquire by employing the incorrect method shown in (d).
After you become more skilled as an artist, you might decide to abandon this method and just rely completely on your eye to judge proportions and scale. However, even very skilled artists get into a jam every once in a while and will need to revert to their old pencil – thumb measurement methods.
Technorati Tags: pencil thumb method, pencil-thumb measurement, drawing proportions, draw proportions, approximate measurements, approximate height, approximate width, approximate angles, drawing, how to draw, easy drawing, simple drawing, drawing techniques, drawing tutorials, drawing for kids, measure with thumb, measure with pencils
Does this work only if you’re drawing the object the same size. I’m struggling wrapping my head around this.
Ubaid Syed
Thanks for the explanation of pencil and thumb method it was shuch a important topic
rumpelt stiltskin
Good article on measuring objects with pencil, however, there is no correct or incorrect way to hold a pencil whilst drawing, this belief that there is a difference is a myth.
There is a difference. I use a variety of grips. Now, there is no “one way” to do anything in art, but to say there is no difference is just asinine. A simple experiment proves you wrong. Anyone who gives different grips a try will be able to say without a doubt that there is a difference (especially in line width and edge softness)
it works i drew megan fox
interesting technique hope it works. hard to draw the head.