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Step 7
Now start drawing the Manga / Anime character’s hair. Here is an Anime hair drawing tutorial that might help you. Basically add thick and think hair strands that look like different shaped letter ‘M’s. Outline the hair, eyes, brow, etc.
Step 8
Clean up the sketch and add shading.
Step 9
Apply Shadows now.
Step 10
Apply anything to finish up your drawing, such as highlights.
Below, you will find some varying profiles of the head in Anime / Manga Illustration style. The shape of the skull and jaw defines the overall look of the head. Observe the guideline and see how it affects the shape of the person’s face. A round and smooth jaw are commonly found on young and feminine characters. while boxy jaws and large chins are for adults and masculine characters.
Young characters tend to have smooth and rounded jaws.
Masculine characters have more of a large and boxy chin.
Young and feminine characters tend to have smooth and rounded jaws.
Masculine characters have more of a large and boxy chin.
Technorati Tags: draw manga faces, draw anime faces, drawing anime faces, draw anime faces, draw anime heads, drawing anime heads, draw manga heads, drawing manga heads, profile manga heads, profile anime heads, anime characters, anime drawing lessons, draw manga, drawing for kids, drawing step by step, how to draw, how to draw anime, how to draw anime faces, how to draw manga, how to draw manga faces, manga characters, manga drawing, manga drawing lessons
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i find drawing mangas in profile difficult. so do drawing realistic people in profile. portraits are much easier. thanks for this tutorial.
TYSM!!!!!!! May you make one where its the front face please? I can’t do the front face yet TvT. Arigato creator-san!
You have saved my homework. I thank you very much, because now I don’t have to suffer as much from the side view faces in my comic project… :’)
This helped me so much!!!! Thank you!!
This actually helped me so~ much! I was about to create a comic on Webtoon, then realizing that I didn’t have the skill of drawing a face in side view! Once again, this really helped me improve on this! Thank you for this!!
thanks tons! does anyone know how to do anime nose
Don’t make it to pointy but pointy if understandable
Amazing i deafently draw beater now
THANKS this tutorial helped a lot this will definitely make my anime better
This was really helpful. Now I know where to go when I’m not sure how to draw a person’s side!
This was really helpful. Now I know where to go when I’m not sure how to draw a person’s side!
Tell me how to draw venom and carnage from spiderman.
You sure seem to want a tutorial on those 2 lol – I will put them on my to-do list.
Needs some work. Your biggest mistake is that you’re making the pupil of the eye enourmous and rounded. It would be much thinner.
This was another artist’s tutorial – I am going to try to put up some of my tutorials on Manga soon.
Oh and thanks.
You do not have to be so negative. By the way, this helped me ALOT! Thanks!
(I’m only 10)
I’m so glad it helped you
I’m gonna use it for the first time i hope it will help me I love NARUTO!
some people prefer different sizes, and I’m not saying that YOUR way is bad, but its not necessarily the “correct” way just because it’s how you’re used to doing it (btw I’m not trying to be negative please don’t think I’m trying to be mean)
Im so exited to make this a cover for my enime. Even though im 11 years old this will make my anime rock! ?
And its spelled excited, not exited
No one cares about that they said they were young ?
Thanks so much
this was a very helpful site it helped me a lot oh and i’m only 12 years old thanks. i hope this website helps others see what they want to see and keep drawing manga or anime. thanks for making this website. <3
Thank you so much i can finally draw a book cover for my hommework with good drawings of people! THANK YOU SO MUCH
Nope impossible
thank u really me a lot… arigatou
Suuper ARIGATO~ for this tutorial— TOTALLY HELPED ME A LOT. ;)) (I’m using the caps lock to show how I’m truly grateful. ;D)
i needed some boost i totally forgot how to do sidefaces XD thax
This is awesome!!!
One thing, though – I’ve been searching FOREVER for sites that show how to draw the side of
a gir’s head with HAIR.
Anybody, if you know a site or picture, please HELP ME!!!!!
wow…..this helps me alot……i realy wanted to draw a anime side views….now that i see this website…i can draw a anime sideviews now…thanks alot ^_^
this canvas thing is STALKING me it wont leave me alone!!!!!!
OMG. You guys rock!
I could honestly never get a side view of the Manga face right at any time. Did it in one shot without having to erase the whole thing!
OHH btw if youd liek to follow me on
just look for PaillPa14 ^^
LOL nice tips! ill do my best now! arigatou, creator-san!
Thanks for making this tutorial
i was actually finding this a long time ago
~Sorry for my bad english :p
Thanx a lot !!!!!!!
AUSOME i’ve been drawing manga stories for a month and I never could do the side view so thx
I’m glad it helped you, Harry. Keep drawing!
Thanks for this, it helped a lot. I’m doing an etching project for art, and my anime girl looks awesome! Thanks so much!!!
It helped really much! I needed to learn how to draw something so nice for my art project! YOU GUYS ARE SO AWESOME!
I love you guys. Without this site and these manga tuts, i wouldn’t be drawing what i can today. I thank you for it.
This really helped me. I’m glad that I can Finnaly draw side view anime.
Helpful !!
Thank you so much!!!! I’ve never been able to draw a face like this before, so your tutorial really helped me!!!!!
That is great!!!!!!! I’m glad that it helped you so much.
Keep drawing!
Before i could only draw profile faces which is see but now i can draw them by myself thanks a lot guys!!!
That is great! I’d love to see your drawings…you can post it here in a comment.
This helped alottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. o_o
I’m actually proud at what I drew :’]
That is awesome!!!!!!!! You should post your drawing in the comments!
une méthode vraiment trop trop bien !!! c’est fantastique merci bcp
Omg thank you sooooo much i draw manga chars for a while 2 years i think and i always had problem with the profile view!! you helped me sooo much thank you ;D
So glad to help you.
i’ve been looking everywhere for some good jaw help, and the step by step process is so helpful. Thankyou so very much.
cool thanx helped alot

thanks man you realy helpt me out
This tutorial helped ALOT!!! yay!!! i could only daw realistic types, never anime which ot me fustrated! ha!!
thank you so much!! i really cant draw side view but i can draw anime,.,hahaha,. thankzz a lot!!!
Thanks so much! this helps alot!
to hard for me
This is so simple! Thanks alot!! ^-^
Oh my gosh thank you! I’ve always wanted to draw side views and I couldn’t until now.
you are my Hero and I’m getting the hang of it.
Thank you sooo much! I never figured it out until now! Now I’m pwnin’ at it!
Thank you! I never could do it! Ahh you guys rock! I’m not drawin’ awesomely!