Do you want to learn how to draw a daisy? I have put together a step-by-step tutorial that will help you figure out how to draw daisies (They are such pretty flowers that remind me of my childhood) by using simple shapes to build up their form. This is an easy illustration tutorial that kids, teens, and adults will enjoy. Even some younger children might be able to draw an illustrated daisy if you stand by to help with the instructions. Enjoy!
Drawing the Daisy : How to Draw Daisies with Easy Step by Step Lessons
Daisy Drawing Tutorial 1 : Step 1
First lightly sketch out a slanted oval. In the center draw a sideways letter ‘C’ shape. In the center of the ‘C’ draw a slightly curved line coming out of it.
Step 2
Now draw 4 of the flower’s petals. 3 of the petals look like normal petals, but one of them (because of the way that we are looking at it) looks like a letter ‘v’ at the bottom and an upside down letter ‘u’ at the top. Trying to think of shapes as letters and numbers makes drawing much easier.
Step 3
Now around the flower make sideways letter ‘V’s.
Step 4
Now erase the oval and then draw the rest of the flower petals that you have just started drawing (when you were drawing the ‘v’s). Now it looks like a daisy.
Step 5 – Finished Drawing of a Daisy (Lesson 1)
Now draw the Daisy’s leaf and if you want to you can put more detail into the flower by drawing hatch lines (for shadowing).
Daisy Lesson #2
Step 1
Firstly, draw an oval and then a much smaller oval in the center of the first oval. Then draw a line down from the center (as seen above).
Step 2
Now draw 4 petals in a cross like fashion as seen above (a petal is just 2 inwards curved lines).
Step 3
Now draw a ‘C’ like shape in the center of the flower. Then draw ‘m’ like shapes around the entire flower.
Step 4
Now erase the outer oval shape since you don’t need it any more. Then finish drawing the petals that you started when drawing the ‘m’ like shapes by drawing 2 inwards curved lines for each petal.
Step 5 – Finished Drawing Tutorial of Daisy #2
Now draw the Daisy’s leaf and if you want to you can put more detail into the flower by drawing hatch lines (for shadowing) and dots in the center of the flower.
Technorati Tags: drawing daisy, drawing daisies, draw daisy, draw daisies, how to draw daisy, how to draw daisies, flowers, drawing flowers, draw flowers, how to draw flowers, how to draw, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, drawing step by step, drawing for kids
Best tutorial ever. Before this all my flowers looked straight ahead and flat. Now with more practice I know I can draw a beautiful daisy. Thank you for sharing your talent.
Thank you so much, Erika!
This really helped me with my art project for school thank u sooooo much.
It was hard but cute
Your illustrations are wonderful. They make me feel like a sort of an artist, even if I can only copy Thanks
You like to draw, so that means you are an artist!
it is so boring i dnt get 1 bit of it nd whn i try to do it it turns out like a circle wid lines and a leaf that is shaded lol
Even though I am an artist, I always had to have a photo reference to draw a daisy….now I can do it without a photo reference. Thank you!!!! This is much much easier. I shared!
So glad that it helped you!!
Dis thing rock’s thank jou guys
Thnx this will rly help with my moms card 4 her b day
fantastic!!! helped me alot
This technique has helped me a lot in drawing flowers in different angles. Thank you so much!
thank you soooo much! i love this website! my name is natalie taylor duval. i go to moss haven elementary and im in ms.flores’ class who craves coffee!
This is a great way to learn amazing things about how to draw flowers.
yeah only a expert cud draw that but anyway thnx. Looooooooooooooooooooooooooool
Thanks! THis totally helped me.
I would say ‘OMG” but that has already been said.
That is really impressive. I am wanting to learn how to draw flowers to paint on my Birdhouse Gourds. I think I have found the best sight.
that rly rly helped me alot!!!! thnx alot!
omg thx tht was great
that was so great thank you