Do you want to learn how to draw Sonic the Hedgehog? I have put together a step-by-step tutorial that will help you figure out how to draw Sonic by using simple shapes to build up Sonic the Hedgehog’s form. This is an intermediate cartooning tutorial that kids, teens, and adults will enjoy. Even some younger children might be able to draw Sonic if you stand by to help with the instructions. Enjoy!
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" target="_blank">You Might Also Enjoy Our Other Sonic Drawing TutorialsThe above picture of a cartoon Sonic the Hedgehog is what we will be drawing step by step today. Find this drawing tutorial below. Get out a piece of paper, a pencil, and a black marker. Good luck.
Step 1
First draw a big circle (for Sonic’s head and then lightly draw a line cutting the circle in half horizontally and one separating the circle vertically. Now you have a circle that is cut into 4 pieces (quarters). Now go to the bottom part of the vertical line and cut that line in half horizontally with a hash mark (as shown above)….and then cut that line in half again and this time make a hash mark (between the half line and the big horizontal line and the middle hash mark). Now draw a smaller circle starting at the top hash line … this circle should be farther to the left and should be big enough that it goes lower than the big circle (as shown above).
Step 2
Now draw Sonic’s 2 legs…the left leg is a ‘U’ because he is running and it ends at the knee (because the rest of the leg is behind him). Draw the right leg as a number ’11’ that is slightly curved leftwards.
Step 3
Now draw Sonic’s right sock. The right side of the sock looks like a number ‘3’ and the left side looks like a backwards number ‘3’.
Step 4
Now draw the outline of Sonic’s shoe….Just make a boxey ‘U’ like shape.
Step 5
Now draw the bottom of Sonic’s sneaker just by drawing 2 lines down and a curved bottom. Also draw 2 downards curved lines for the shoe’s design.
Step 6
Now lets get back to Sonic’s face. Draw Sonic’s nose at the top of the smaller circle along the blue line. Also draw the tops of Sonic’s eyes with 2 slanted green lines.
I’ve drawn like 100 Sonics and I’m 8
I even draw spin dash’s
How do u do that? Must b insanely hard
Thanks for that tutorial I love super sonic
Sonic is so cool and I like dark sonic
On step 12, you wrote nitice instead of notice.
ive been a fan og sonic since i was 4 years old. now i am 12 and i have drawed alot of sonics but this one came out best
he is so cool and amazing to draw lol
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I LOVE HIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAH
im 9 and love sonic
Draw me with Tails
thanks for your help
loved it i tried i myself and looks just like him,i love sonic
Draw me with my duelgazer
Draw me with my duelgazer on it would be much better
Sir can really draw
this is awesome
I can beat sonic in a race
not unless you are golden sonic
this is so awesome, now i can show it of to my friends
Why does sonic wear gloves?
sonic,shadow is my super hero …i like sonic
OMg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sonic i love this tutorial thx
my brother said OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like you
i like golden sonic
When I was a little girl I was very very addicted to sonic I had alot of the games like sonic & the black night,but mostly sonic heroes I was supporting Sonamy (sonicXamy) and all that I love their music,but the biggest problem is that I never knew how to draw them (/.\) but thanks to you Ive learned and I feel like a true sonic fan thank you <3
iam a BIG! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! fan of sonic and love drawwing it
ive been drawwing sonic for months and month and its going better
wow sonic
Came out perfect
coollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll and super coollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it i s fun to draw sonic i am a big fan of him he is so cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a good wedsite for me
ive drawn diffrent sonics
I love sponge bob
i love this website it shows you step by step the first drawing i did was sonic headghog i did pretty good
cool picture did good
Plz make Tails he is so coooool!!!!!!!!!!!
awsom things And interesting too make
i loved to learn to draw sonic it turned out great and i’m 10
omg drawing sonic was one BIIIIIG adventure for me! this was epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think i did good for once….. XD
well it toke a long time to do it but it turn out good
my mum loves sonic the hedgehog so i had a g at drawing him and he turned out really well t6hanks so much to the person who made this site it has made my mums dad!!!

It’s hard for me cuz im just a 9 year old. Not kidding! I go to mariemont school! MARIEMONT ELEMENTARY IS THE BEST SCHOOL!
I live in Australia, and I have to say; I love your drawing! It was very detailed. A very splendid well done from me!
it cute
it looks very detaled im loving it im drawing it write now
Nice. I have shakey hands so i cant draw too well
i love shadow
i love sonic is the best
i love this soo much but i still can’t draw ::( lol
I LOVE 2 draw sonic 4 ever :}
i loved sonic since i was a kid now my nephews watch it on the computer.
i love sonic i am a kid i love your drawing lessons and my friend nick too i love drawing
i love sonic i am a kid i love your drawing blog and my friend nick to i love drawing
tech how to draw all of it.
i love sonic
is beautiful and my myth
hey im an 11 year old girl with a real talent for drawing as far as every one has told me and i love sonic the hedghog i tried drawing it today and it turned out amazingley well if i can draw it i am shaw anyone can
i can draw sonic on my own
we love sonic it me Android my cosin
i thought it was okay but i would like to draw a cartoon parrot heheheheh evan though it sounds wweired though hhahahaha:):)
mine was ugly
Just keep trying and you will get better each time. It might help you to trace it by taping it on the window and placing another piece of paper on top of – the sun will shine through the paper and allow you to trace it. Tracing is a good way to learn – just keep trying. Good luck.
it was hard for me :l i needed help
good drawing, i will definatly recomend this site to my 8 yearold cousin and 7 and 10 yearold neibors ( they luv sonic. make 1 of sonic unleashed and i will be amazed by the progress of the site
Glad you like it – thanks for recommending our site.
im only 9 and my was awesome i could not belive it : )
Great job Bailey!
i drew it and it turned out good. But i did not use the insturutions .it is fun to draw
my friend is an awesome drawer, i bet he could do it better than everyone here with some modifications. he’s 11 and he DEFINITELY could do it.
i guess i just cant draw because no matter wut i do i just cant draw him right. oh well, a fan can still be a fan even if they cant draw i guess. lol.
weird but kewl! I love sonic and I always win when im him.he will ALWAYS be byMy side, SO BACK OFF PEOPLE!
lol! no lituraly! Hes mine! LOL
I followed this and got perfect results! Paper was kinda small though tso its not complete, Oh well! 10/10 Perfect!
I am only 11 but he is fun 2 draw
I love him “Sonic” he RulEs
your drawing is not that good as you seem but its OK.
I love this drawing!!!!! I am 11 and a very BIG drawer and i love sonic so i can show my friends!!!!!!!!!
MAN I LOVE SONIC HE IS SO SEXY … YAH LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
awesome you should make Tails and Shadow
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How to Draw Sonic the Hedgehog in Easy Drawing Tutorial « Sonic Characters « Drawing Cartoons « Step by Step Drawing Blog
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It is nice to draw it.
I love it.
halllo halllo
mine looks REALLY crap-y because i used a pen and just kinda doodled him out. but your able to tell what character he is so he’s not too bad!! i wish they had a “how to draw shadow”. cuz he’s my fav out of all the sonic characters. actually, he’s my all-time fav. oh and how old do i have to be to be on here? cuz i’m 11.
i love sonic!!!!:)
It cool.
Hiaa x:DD ,
i can draw that and i dont need the step by step haha
I Love sonic he is awsome i wish i could marry sonic and spongebob sqarepants
his super from is so powerful
he is asome
he is so ccccccoooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllll
how come it dosint shoew the last one
You have to click on the ‘next page’ link
Thanks this is brilliant and cool.Now i can show off to my frends.
Thanks for this tutorial. My son drew this with me and I’m amazed at how good he can draw.
Thanks for posting. My daughter (11) just followed your tutorial and it turned out fantastic – you’d be proud!
Great! I would love to see it.
I was a REALLY big fan of Sonic as a kid, and still am!!!

-Michael the fox
nice… i loved sonic as a kid