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We have heard that many of you enjoyed the ‘How to Draw Cartoon Dogs’ tutorial that we posted a while back. So we decided to post a second dog drawing tutorial so you guys have a different type of dog that you know how to draw. Dogs and Puppies aren’t always easy to draw, but after seeing how they are drawn, I bet you will shock all of your friends with your drawing abilities. I have put together a step-by-step tutorial that will help you figure out how to draw a cartoon dog or puppy by using simple shapes to build up this dog’s form. This is an intermediate cartooning tutorial that younger kids, teens, and adults will enjoy. Even some younger children might be able to draw a dog if you stand by to help with the instructions. Enjoy!
How to Draw Cartoon Dogs Step by Step Drawing Tutorial for Kids
Step 1
First lightly sketch out a circle for the dog’s face. Don’t worry about mistakes because you can erase these later. Later, you will be using a pen or marker to outline the ‘right’ lines.
Step 2
Now draw a smaller circle for the dog’s snout.
Step 3
Now sketch out the dog’s mouth and refine the shape of the snout.
Step 4
Now draw the dog’s nose.
Step 5
Now draw 2 circles for the dog’s eyes. Inside these circles draw smaller circles (one in each eye circle). Take a triangle pizza slice out of each circle for the eye’s highlight (as seen above).
Step 6
Now draw the basic shapes of the dog’s ears…each ear is made up of rectangles and a triangle.
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love pups?me too!
love the website! so much! who!
I drew this , showed it to ,y mom and she said” nice pig”
LOL….don’t be too hard on your Mom, she didn’t know. Try again, it is hard to get a drawing just right on the first try. I learned how to draw by repetition.
awwwww this puppy is so cute i can totally eat him up with a lot of kisses
hard mine doesnt look like exampl pic
is there an eraser for the draw while you learn side?
I suck at drawing and I actually drew the puppy so good my brother noticed what it was!! YAY!! mission acomplished!
Thats great!
REALLY COOL!!!!!!!!!
so adorable but not wat i was looking for my baby’s bedroom
why can’t ya guys just get a piece of paper and and pencil and just trace it
this was so easy
hi…………………………. its easy
It seem so funny!
it sucks the tutorial dosnt work with one picture it always drew new ones so how can we do it whith one then
This is really hard. But I did it in a easier way. I clicked on the picture that I wanted with the left side of the mouse and pressed copy image and went on Microsoft word and pressed the left side on the mouse again and pressed paste. Then I printed the picture of the dog, took another paper and 1 paper had the picture and the other was blank. went up to the window and put the paper that had the picture behind the blank paper and copied it. So that was a really easier way to draw that picture.
i love pups!!
well i got confused in the middle of drawingg this…. so if you could make them more simple pleasee…
ok so like i love to draw and the dog is so cuite but i still dont know how to draw it. I think anusha is right is does not have good stepps. It sucks
ya…but the website is awesome……
actually i was srcly interested in drawing but i was searching 4 so many pix to draw…n now i hv gt a very usefull website………
it wud’ve been btr if thr were steps given 4 the whole pup(i mean not only for the face but for the entire puppy)
Hi…you have to click on to the next page – by clicking on the next page link at the bottom or top of the page.
hi this website has help me so much
it is rally easy to draw this becuase i am an artist
this is so cute
i love it
i love drawing
this is kool
its easy to draw and its really fun to draw
i think this is great fun i love to draw now
How to Draw Cartoon Dog Running, Jumping, and Playing « Drawing Pets &Laquo; Drawing Cartoons « Step by Step Drawing Blog
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aw look its so cute
How to Draw Cartoon Dogs Step by Step Drawing Tutorial for Kids : How to Draw Step by Step Drawing Tutorials
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