How to Draw Cartoon Lions / Jungle Animals Step by Step Drawing Tutorial


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Do you want to learn how to draw  cartoon lions? Lions aren’t always easy to draw, but after seeing how they are drawn, I bet you will shock all of your friends with your drawing abilities. I  have put together a step-by-step tutorial that will help you figure out how to draw  cartoon lions by using simple shapes to build up this lion’s form. This is an intermediate cartooning tutorial that kids, teens, and adults will enjoy. Even some younger children might be able to draw lions if you stand by to help with the instructions. Enjoy!

How to Draw Cartoon Lions / Jungle Animals Step by Step Drawing Tutorial for Kids, Teens, and Adults

The above picture of a cartoon lion is what we will be drawing step by step today. Find this drawing tutorial below. Get out a piece of paper, a pencil, and a black marker. Good luck.

Step 1

Take out your piece of paper and your pencil..we are about to sketch. Look at the picture above. I know that this doesn’t look anything like the finished lion picture  that we are attempting to draw…but I will explain why the picture above looks so strange.  Well, what I was trying to show you (in the picture above) was that the lion is made up of a bunch of simple shapes. Do you see the body of the lion looks like a triangle and the face of the lion looks like a square with a circle surrounding it? Well, I want you to be able to visualize this so you can start to draw images more easily. So take out your pencil and lightly draw the lion’s simpler shapes the way that I did above. Don’t worry about mistakes because you can erase these later. Later, you will be using a pen or marker to outline the ‘right’ lines.

Step 2

Now draw crosshair lines on the lion’s face (square) so you can more easily see where to place the lion’s facial features, such as the eyes. Also draw the lion’s right ear (which looks like a backwards ‘C’). You can see, by the crosshairs where to draw it…to the right and above the crosshairs. Also put a backwards ‘G’ into the ear.

Step 3

Now draw zigzaggy lines in place of the circle…this is the mane of the lion. Also draw a half circle for the lion’s right eye. You can see by the crosshairs that the lion’s eye needs to be above the middle line and to the right of the center line.

Step 4

Now draw the left eye as a slanted rectangle (rhombus for people who know what that means). Having the eyes such different sizes and shapes makes the picture a little comical. Also draw half circles inside each eye for the iris.

Step 5

Now draw a big backwards ‘3’ for the lions ear and cheek. Also draw squiggles above the eyes for eyebrows (they sort of look like an ‘S’ and an upside down ‘S’)

Step 6

Now draw a flattened out letter ‘M’ above the lions eyes for the forehead. Also draw the lion’s mouth / smile.

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  • i-waas-just-wondering-how-to-draw-the-body-as-well-not-just-the-head.

  • with whom would i have to talk to, to get permisssion.
    i would like to know if we could use your lion as our mascot. The district had a new school building built for us. And our student body has selected the lion to be our mascot. We'd like to know if we could have your permission to use it as a mascot for our school shirts.

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