Home >Directory of Drawing Lessons > Drawing Objects & Things > Geometric Shapes > Prisms > How to Draw Right Square Prisms
DRAWING RIGHT SQUARE PRISMS : Learn all about how to draw a right square prism and making foldable paper nets for this geometric shape
[The Text Above is Saves as Images, if you need to copy some text, it is below] DRAWING RIGHT SQUARE PRISMS. Place before the class, if convenient, a large square prism, first standing with one end on a horizontal plane, and afterwards lying on one If not convenient to use a large prism; the students may construct small prisms from cardboard, four or five inches long, as in the case of the cube, and place them on their desks or on their model supports, and draw them. When all are ready, proceed to draw the parts of this object in the same order as for the cube, and as shown in Figs. 26, 27, and 28. Fig 26, or the vertical position, should be drawn at the left end, six or seven inches high, and at the right end of blank page. |
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