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HOW TO DRAW DIFFERENT TYPES OF FORMS AND SHAPES and How to Draw Simple Objects from Them with the Following Drawing Lessons
TYPES OF FORMS AND SHAPES AND DRAWING SIMPLE OBJECTS FROM THEM Types of form.a. The following type solids :Sphere, hemisphere, ovoid, spheroid (prolate and oblate), cylinder, circular plinth, and cone. NOTE. - The type solids given above are to be considered in two groups, one with the sphere as a central type, the other with the cylinder as a central type. Relative dimensions are shown by diameters, etc., in each group. Ovoid. NOTE. - The first thre.e type solids given above and the square pyramid form a group with the square prism as a central tape. The first four may be classed as prisms. The vase is a compound form. Objects resembling types of form. b. Objects resembling a sphere and spheroids, as an apple, a peach, a turnip. Although no statement is made concerning groups of objects in the Syllabus for Elementary Drawing, the Department of Regents gives such drawings in the examination for the First Year Academic Certificate. Examples of object drawing. Examples of drawings of single objects, groups of objects, leaves, sprays,. etc., will be found in the following pages. These drawings have been selected to illustrate the choice of objects through which both the interest of the pupils and their appreciation of the laws of perspective and the value of good drawing and good rendering may be secured. They have also been selected with a view to the possibilities of schoolrooms in the way of providing materials for such drawings, either within the room or from the windows. The Gate of Basle and Giotto's Tower are chosen as examples of historic architectural detail well worth copying both for the sake of association and-for their architectural value. Longfellow's description of the latter adds to the appreciation gained by the study of the picture. Examples of rendering simple objects based on the type forms, singly and grouped. |
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