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DRAWING FOLIAGE & SHRUBS : How to Draw Foliage and Trees with the Following Lessons
This is an article from an old vintage book about drawing lessons & tutorials for how to draw foliage, shrubs, and trees.


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In rendering foliage it is even more essential to work in a free and spirited manner, that the pencil work may suggest the qualities peculiar to foliage. A tree, especially if seen in the immediate foreground, is apt to appear very much cut up by small lights and shadows, and to see it simply is a difficult matter. Looking at the tree with eyes half closed, the arrangement of light and shadow will appear very much simplified. In this manner study the tree, its general outline against the sky, or other background, the disposition of the principal masses of light and shadow, etc. Then sketch in lightly the trunk and principal branches and indicate with a few touches the shape of the tree. This done, begin at the top and work down, laying the strokes in a "carefully careless" sort of manner. For the large and denser masses of foliage near the center of the tree, the strokes may be long and grouped quite closely, while nearer the edge, where the foliage is much thinner and broken up into small patches by the sky showing through, the pencil work must be correspondingly light and open—the strokes shorter and grouped less closely.
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