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CONTOUR DRAWING EXERCISES & LESSONS : Blind & Pure & Cross Contour Drawing Tutorials
You Might Also Want to Look At These Drawing Lessons : Blind Contour Drawing ... Cross Contour Drawing ... Pure Linear Contour Drawing Contour Drawing with Human Figure A simple description of contour drawing and a little bit about it in history and how making dark contour lines can change a piece of art. An Introduction to Contour Drawing : What Is Contour Drawing The first thing we do when beginning to draw is contour drawing, which is another name for drawing the outline. With contour drawing, we are focusing on the edges - the outside of an object or the line made by a fold or pattern. Contour is commonly defined as the "outline of a figure or object." There is a definite distinction between "contour and outline." We think of an outline as a diagram or silhouette, flat and two dimensional. It is the sort of drawing you make when you place you hand flat on a piece of paper and trace around the fingers with a pencil. Practice Drawing Outlines and Contours of Object or Person You Are Drawing for Better Freehand DrawingPractice drawing outlines and contours of objects, as well as drawing straight and curved lines without rulers and other devices to become a better freehand drawer and artist Contour drawing is a good beginning exercise, in the way that practicing scales is good for learning the piano. It uses the element of line to create a three-dimensional outline of objects. Natural objects are especially suitable, like plants, flowers, hands, and the human figure, but it is also good to try drawing non-natural objects, like containers with interesting shapes, or old shoes, which can have a lot of character. Nearly every painting begins with some form of contour drawing. This is a line sketch that describes not just the shape of the subject or the negative space around the subject, but also the shadow areas within the outline of the subject.
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