Home > Directory of Drawing Lessons > How to Improve Your Drawings > Drawing Lights and Shadows > Drawing Objects and Figures Under the Lighting of the Moon
How to Draw & Shade Objects, Figures, & Things with Moonlighting with the Following Drawing & Shading Lesson
Learn how to draw still figures and objects with lighting coming from the moon ... with the following drawing tutorial that you can find below.


Drawing Objects and Figures Under the Light of the Moon : Moonlights
Simple masses.
The given illustrations cover the most common effects with the exception of those due to moonlight. Moonlight is simply weakened sunlight, and produces effects similar to those of sunlight in respect to the contrast of simple masses of light and dark and the sharpness of the cast shadows. The principal masses of light and dark are much more prominent than by sunlight, and few details are seen in the masses. The masses of dark are especially simple, for reflected lights are very weak, and often not noticeable.
Moonlight gives an interest to nature which should lead the art student to realize the beauty of simplicity and the charm of mystery. By moonlight the most common and familiar subject often possesses a beauty which is not felt at all when all the details of the subject are brought out by daylight ; and the student will do well to compare the daylight and moonlight effects upon the same subject, for in this way he will discover the beauty of the contrasts of simple masses and important lines, which are often not felt in the stronger light.
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