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Drawing People's Arms, Hands with Drawing Lessons and Pictures
How to draw the human arms and hands. Drawing People's Arms and Hands Is Made Easier if You know the Underlying Anatomical Structure...Find Helpful Pictures Below.


The arm is attached to the shoulder girdle consisting
of the clavicle and the shoulder blade.

The humerus ( upper bone of the arm) is inserted into
the cavity of the shoulder blade and is held in place by ligaments
and membranes. The girdle moves with the lowering and raising
the arm. The lower bones of the arm called the ulna and the
radius. The ulna fits into the lower end of the humerus on top
( the elbow) and the bottom is the little finger side. Next to
the ulna is the radius, small at the top and large at the bottom
and it rotates around the ulna and is the thumb side of the hand.
The largest part of the arm is the Deltoid muscle which
is connected at the clavicle across the head of the humerus
and to the shoulder blade and halfway down the humerus
on the outside between the bleep and tricep.

The two large masses of the hand are the hand itself
and the thumb on the back of the hand from the wrist.
There is a continual step down to the fingers, the palm side
of the hand is cup like in shape. On top of the hand the
fingers start below where the hand bends at the knuckles,
and in the palm the fingers start where the palm ends.
It is insufficient to copy anatomical drawings. One
must learn the shape of each part and be able to draw the
shape in any position with the understanding of perspective
and know how it works.

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