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FIGURES IN PERSPECTIVE : How to Draw People with Perspective Drawing Techniques
In producing a picture with more than one figure, it is
necessary to know how the figures in the background
diminish in size. This is called the perspective of diminution.
When you look at a string of telephone poles, the one
farthest away appears smaller than the one nearest to you,
even though all the poles are of the same length.
The above images are examples of how this rule of perspective is
applied. On No. 1 the eye level is at the skaters' knees. The
parts of the figure that are above the eye level come down
to the eye level and the parts of the figure below the eye
level come to the same point on the eye level. Figures A
and B are of the same height because they are the same
distance from C.
In figure two the eye level is at the chest of the models
and in figure three the eye level is at their heads.
Page 21 shows the same rule that was applied to the
box in one and two point perspective as applied to the figure.
Each upright on the square is substituted by a figure. In
drawing a group of figures you must first establish an eye
level and must recede in perspective down to a point on
this level.
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