Home > Directory Home > Drawing Lessons > How to Draw People > Figures in Action / Motion > How to Draw Action, Motion, Running, Walking
How to draw people and human figures in action and movement, such as jumping, walking, twisting, and running. Learn how to draw and sketch people in action as great cartoons, illustrations and realistic drawings with these free drawing lessons.


The human figure is capable of twisting, bending and
moving in an incalculable number of positions. A concept
of the three large masses of the head, chest and pelvis must
be understood in order to place these masses twisting in
front or turning away from each other, or covering each
other as in foreshortening.
Think of the head being square. The chest is round and
about one and a half times as long as the head and twice
the width. The pelvis is square and also twice the width of
the head. Keep the same distance between the chest and the
hip as between the head and the chest.
The three masses are attached to each other at the back
of the figure by the spinal column and in front by muscles,
tendons and ligaments.

When the weight is on
one foot as in Fig. A.
The inside ankle (tibia) will be directly
under the pit of the
neck. When the legs
are separated the
weight is then distributed between them
as in Fig. B.

When the figure is in complete motion and not resting on either foot i.e. running, jumping, walking,
etc., there is no center of gravity. Only when the figure comes to a standstill, can the center of
gravity be established.

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