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Drawing People's Feet and Hands with These Drawing Techniques and Methods |
The length from the heel to the ball of the great toe, is two-thirds of the length of the foot.
The length of the great toe, not including the ball, is one-fifth of the length of the foot.
The width of the foot, at its widest part, is equal to two-fifths of its length.
The length from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger is f of a head.
From the wrist to the division of the fingers is one half of the hand.
The thumb is one quarter of the head, or equal to 1 nose in length.
It will be well to observe, for the direction of the pupil, that the natural position of the upper arm, is at an angle outwards, and that of the lower arm inwards ; so that, in a figure at perfect ease, the hands would approach each other in front.
The same observation applies to the lower limbs, which incline inwards from their junction with the body.
The fingers also have an inclination inwards towards the middle of the hand : the second finger is straight. In closing the hand, the thumb, the first, third, and fourth fingers converge towards the second finger.
The muscular action of the foot is so mach destroyed by the habit of wearing shoes, that it has lost its natural action ; but in nations accustomed to leave the foot as free as the hand, it has the power of grasping an object with firmness. It has the same construction as the hand, and the same inclination of the toes, and the same natural inclination inwards, when raised from the ground, either before or behind, as in the action of dancing.
These natural inclinations inwards are owing to the setting on or peculiar articulations of their several joints, which the pupil will find explained for him in the course of his anatomical study.