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How to Draw Cartoon Manatees in Easy Step by Step Drawing Lesson Today we will show you how to draw cartoon manatees (aka sea cows), a type of animal that lives completely under the water. We will show you how to draw them in simple-to-follow, illustrated steps. This tutorial is easy enough for younger kids to follow. Austin and I are drawing cartoon manatees today! It's so much fun, but remember to challenge your young artists to finish the background. Learn How to Draw a Manatee Cartoon Follow this step by step drawing tutorial to learn how to draw a cute and simple cartoon manatee! In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Manatee in 6 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists. How to Draw a West Indian Manatee In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a West Indian Manatee in 6 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists. Learn how to draw a manatee by following this video tutorial. Please PAUSE the "How to Draw a Manatee" video after each step to draw at your own pace. You can also follow the images provided. Those big, happy creatures called manatees that you read about in books or see on television can be practically effortless to draw if you use the right technique. Whether you are skilled or not, sketching these gentle giants can be quite relaxing and might even impress your peers! Manatees are very large, fully aquatic, mostly herbivorous marine mammals sometimes known as sea cows. There are three accepted living species of Trichechidae, representing three of the four living species in the order Sirenia. They measure up to 13 feet long, and weigh as much as 1,300 pounds. Should you want to learn how to draw a Manatee, follow this step by step tutorial. Sea Cow is a marine animal and its scientific name is Sirenia. In this tutorial, we will draw Sea Cow. Learn how to draw a realistic manatee step by step. |
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