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Selection of a Subject for Your Drawings It is strange what a long time it takes before the beginner can learn to choose a subject that composes well. Choosing a Subject to Draw : Draw Drawing Subject Choosing Still Life There are many easily found subjects around the home to draw. One must remember early on that the aim is to choose objects to draw that may help to develop skills. A selection of widely varying items for a still life composition may in this case be suitable. What makes an artist choose a subject and paint it in a particular way? Artists all have their own reasons for how they compose or make subject matter choices in a painting. Sometimes we work on a theme for a while, sometimes we paint what simply catches our eye and other times there are more complex ideas at work. Before You Run Out of Ideas : Try One of These! - Sometimes when you look at a blank page, your mind goes blank too. You want to draw or paint, but what? Here are six sources of inspiration to get you started drawing, painting, or even scrapbooking. Once you get started, you'll find that one idea leads to another. Try picking one theme to explore consistently over several days or even weeks, adding written notes about your thoughts and feelings to your sketchbook. Choosing a Subject for an Artwork - How do artists decide what to paint, draw, or sculpt? When you look at a painting of a bowl of oranges, do you wonder why the artist chose that subject, or does the image captivate you with the colours, textures, and composition of the fruits?
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