Do you want to learn how to draw this adorable baby cupid, holding a bow with love arrows behind him? This little angel baby Cupid is adorable and you could draw him too with the following step by step drawing lesson for Valentine’s Day. Spread the love.
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How to Draw Baby Cupid with Love Arrows for Valentines Day
Step 1
Start off by drawing basic shapes for Cupid’s head – a circle and a rectangle.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Lightly draw ovals for the legs and feet.
Step 5
Start drawing the toes and outlines of the legs. (the toes look like letter ‘J’s)
Step 6
Now draw ovals for the arms..a circle for the right hand and a square for the left.
Step 7
On the left hand…draw the right side of the thumb by drawing a letter ‘s’. Draw a backwards letter ‘L’ shape for the pointer finger coming out. The square should guide you.
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Step 13
Step 14
Step 15
Step 16
Here are More Valentines Day Drawing Tutorials
Technorati Tags: cupid, baby cupid, draw baby cupid, cartoon cupid, drawing cupid, how to draw cupid, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, valentines day, valentines day tutorials, love, baby, drawing baby, drawing babies