Draw one of the most iconic cartoons in cartoon history….Minnie Mouse. Today, I will show you how to draw Minnie Mouse … Mickey’s girlfriend…with the following step by step drawing lesson. Have fun.
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How to Draw Minnie Mouse with Simple Step by Step Drawing Lesson
Step 1
Start off by drawing a lollipop with a curved stick. Also add a cross section for the face. The vertical line determines the “center” of the head where the nose is placed, and the horizontal line determines where the eyes will be placed. The curved stick will be Minnie’s spine.
Step 2
Draw a small circle at the bottom of the spine.
Step 3
Add stick arms and feet. Since Minnie is a cute cartoon character, make sure that the sticks are short to give her cute arms and legs. Also make the feet ovals large to give her big cartoony shoes.
Step 4
Complete the arm and legs sticks to give them muscle. Add curves to where her thumbs and fingers should be. Draw two ovals on top of her head for her ears.Draw two long half ovals on top of her head for her bow.
Step 5
Draw a sideways number ‘2’ for part of the mouth and the snout. Draw 2 ovals…the one on the right is a bit smaller than the one on the left. Also draw 3 lashes on each eye.
Step 6
Now draw an oval on the snout for the nose. Draw a half circle in each eye for the iris / pupil of the eye. Draw a sideways number ‘3’ for the tongue. Draw an upside down number ‘2’ for the left side of the face.
Step 7
This is what the face should look like on her body.
Step 8
You can now draw the details of her dress.
Step 9
Draw the details of her fingers and gloves.
Step 10
Add a curved line at the back for her tail.
Step 11
Delete all your guide lines, thicken her tail, add blackings, and you’re done!
You Might Enjoy Our Other Disney Characters Tutorials.
Technorati Tags: minnie mouse, draw minnie mouse, drawing minnie mouse, how to draw minnie mouse, cartoon mouse, cartoon mice, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, how to draw, disney, disney cartoons, drawing disney
i love mini mouse..ohhhh yeah bye the way mickey mouse and mini mouse r in love…peace ..HATER LOVE ME…THEY HATE TO MUCH….HATERS DONT PHASE ME
this was kinda hard my picture was ugly,,but i dont care..see u later HATERS,,,,,,,,
i love minnie mouse
this izzz the hardest thing i eva tired 2 draw in mi life >:(
Wow that came out well good!!!
i done this. i make it perfectly