Dexter’s Lab is a fun cartoon show that kids think is hilarious. Would you like to learn how to draw Dee-Dee…Dexter’s annoying sister? Below you will find easy, step by step drawing instructions with the following tutorial that kids, teens, and adults can all successfully complete a drawing of Didi from Dexter’s Lab.
Find More Dexter’s Lab Characters Drawing Tutorials (such as Dexter) Here.
How to Draw Dee-Dee from Dexter’s Lab with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
First, start drawing Dee-Dee by drawing the basic shapes that build up her form such as a sideways letter ‘D’ for her face and ovals for her hands and legs.
Step 2
Since Dee-Dee is looking towards her right, her facial features are closer to the right side of her face. Draw a guideline halfway down her face and a vertical line towards the right side of her face.
Step 3
Draw an oval for both of Dee-Dee’s eyes, one on either side of the vertical line. Draw the oval on the left, bigger than the oval on the right (items closer to you are bigger than items farther away).
Step 4
Draw an oval inside each oval for the iris / pupil…the oval on the left is bigger.
Step 5
Now draw a triangle shape for Dee-Dee’s nose…draw it on the vertical guideline, at the bottom of the eyes. Draw 3 eyelashes on the left-top side of both eyes.
Step 6
Draw Didi’s smile from the bottom-right side of Dee-Dee’s right eye, up to the left side of the horizontal line. Now, retrace the shape of Dee-Dee’s face that you drew in step #1 and then draw Dee-Dee’s ear (a ‘c’ like shape).
This is hard….
Well then again everything’s hard for me