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How to Draw Figures & Objects Bases on Shapes of Circles, Ovals, and Ellipses with Drawing Lessons
[The text above is made from images ... if you need to copy the text, you will find it below.] The Sphere.Pass the pencil round the visible part of a sphere. It describes a circle. All objects such as an apple, a tomato, a ball or 'a peach, because they resemble a sphere, are said to be spherical. The basis of their outline is a circ'e. It is true the objects mentioned differ from the sphere in points of detail and the outline in many cases, in order to suggest the object, must be modified. Take note of the irregularities which make this difference, and, while the circle is used as a basis, so modify it, that if a hole were cut in the paper round the outline it would allow the object to fit snugly into it. The Ellipsoid.The Ellipsoid, when the side is visible, is represented by an ellipse. This ellipse becomes shorter, as the end is turned towards you, until it becomes a circle. An object similar in form to the ellipsoid is said to be elliptical. Two examples are shown in fig. 132 & fig. 133 The Ovoid (Oval / Ellipse Egg Shape)The Ovoid is represented by an oval which is the basis of all objects of this class. A pineapple and a pear are shown in fig. 134. Memory Exercise.Sketch a circle. Recall the image of some familiar object. Think carefully over any peculiarities of form it may possess. Examine the mental image as carefully and in the same manner as the original object would be examined. Use the circle as a basis and sketch the outline. Follow the same method with the square, ellipse or oval. Repose.An object is said to be in repose when it rests upon something. This something may be a table, a board, the ground, etc. To suggest this, draw a horizontal line a little above the lower part of the outline. This line will represent the farther edge of the support.
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