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How to Draw Anime Body with Tutorial for Drawing Male Manga Bodies Drawing the human body has many approaches, especially in Manga / Anime where there are many different types of bodies that come in all shapes and sizes. Here is the most basic, easy and commonly used method for male Anime characters. Basic Positioning of the Head on a Manga Body Recall those vertical and horizontal outlines I suggested that you draw to keep the face leveled? The horizontal is always perpendicular to the veritical line no matter how many different angles of view the head is drawn in. If you stick a ruler to your face, it won't change its position as you move your head around (those with glasses may know what I mean). Drawing Manga Front View of a Female 'Full-Figure' Characters Drawing a full figure person is very similar to drawing the Chibi figures, but the full-figure drawings tend to be harder because we have to remember more details of the human anatomy (not counting any exaggerations like longer legs or bigger eyes). Drawing Manga Angle View of a Female 'Full-Figure' Character Sketch where you want to draw a character, and add the vertical and horizontal lines to help keep the charcter straight, not leaning. The horizontal line is to mark where the eyes are. Drawing Manga Side View of a Female 'Full-Figure' Character It recommanded to go thru the tutorials on Front and Angled Views of Full-Figure first before going for this tutorial, otherwise, you may not get an idea of what I'm talking (or typing) about. This tutorial deals with somewhat difficuilt drawing of a side view, Since I had learned to draw the side views the hard way, I may not have something that can make it easy for you to handle the side views, but I'll do my best I can to show you the drawing basics. Drawing Manga Angled Back View of a Female 'Full-Figure' Character Drawing the Angled Back View is very similar to the drawing the Angled Front View but that view is trickier due to the fact that we have to work with the curve of the neck, back and butts. This is tutorial on how to draw the female body. Be warned that there is some nudity, though trust me, it is extremely mild. ^_^ If it bothers you that much, just pretend they are wearing skin tight body suits. Nudity as a Manga Drawing Tool Nudity can be quite a touchy subject, but if anyone really want to become more advanced at drawing the anatomically correct Animanga characters in many different poses including the martial arts poses, they may have to overcome any issues they have with nudity and use it as a drawing tool. Some Pointers on Advanced 3D Manga Concepts As the artists advance with their drawing skills, they would realize how essential is it to master the basics of 3D in any 2-D drawings since the animated shows and graphic novels(manga) are very heavy in the use of 3D concept espescially the camera points of view. The Female Body : How to Draw Female Manga Bodies Drawing Tutorials Here we are at stage 1: Nothing fancy. Just a fast loose stick figure that will serve as our foundation piece. Note that the form is 7 heads high. The Male Body : How to Draw Male Manga Bodies Drawing Tutorials Here we are at stage 1: Nothing fancy. Just a fast loose stick figure that will serve as our foundation piece. Note that the form is 7 heads high. The Male Torso : How to Draw Manga Male Bodies I was looking at some books and going through some basic animation reviews when I saw an old trick on doing cartoon character bodies using the "Flour Sack" method. I modified it a bit to fit in with a more realistic look. I call it the "Bean" method...there may already be a bean method but I'm unaware of it. Tutorials - How to Draw Manga Bodies Manga people are generally measured in heads. Females are usually 5-6 heads and males are around 6 heads. Varying Manga Body Proportions & Face Features The proportions and features of the human bodies tend to vary widely anywhere around the real world and even in any advanced artworks in accordance with the artists' preferences which can also result in some intented exaggerations of some human parts (like legs and breasts).
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