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STIPPLING SHADING TECHNIQUES : How to Stipple Effects in Your Drawings with the Following Lessons and Tutorials.
Colored Pencil Basics : Colored Pencil for Beginners : Basic Pencil Strokes This lesson introduces some basic color pencil strokes which will be useful in your drawing. Make sure to go on to the next page for some exercises to help you practice your color pencil technique. As with graphite pencil, there are a range of techniques which you can employ when drawing with colored pencil. Which one you choose will depend on the final effect you are aiming for. Creating Values in Pen and Ink Drawings You might be surprised to learn that, aside from the pressure technique, the basic strokes for creating value when drawing with pen is exactly the same as when using pencil. The basic strokes include hatching, cross-hatching, contour-hatching, scumbling, and stippling, as shown in the examples below. How to Do Stipple Drawings Step by Step Stippling means you take your pen and instead of drawing, you create your picture dot by dot just like a printer does. When you do this don't press your pen too hard, practice on a separate sheet of paper first to get the hang of it. How to Use Stippling in Drawings Stippling is a technique used in drawing where the artist uses dots to add texture, shadows and tone to a drawing. The dots are denser where darkness is required, and the dots are sparse to indicate highlights or a smooth surface. To learn how to use stippling, you should practice drawing simple objects. You can use stippling with pencils, pens and markers. Here are the steps on how to use stippling in drawings. Use Stippling As A Shading Alternative Stippling is the process of using dots and very small dashes to create a drawing. Stippling, put to its basic form is using dots to make an image, or at least as much of an image that dots can make. The dots are of various sizes and spacing apart so that they convey light and shadows to make the eye "see" what it is that the dots are forming. There is, of course, no real image there, just an arrangement of dots.
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