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SIGHT-SIZE DRAWING METHOD OF MEASURING SUBJECTS : How to Use the Sight-Size Technique to Create More Realistic and Accurate Drawings
First Cast Drawing Using Bargue Method of Drawing Schematics I'm following the progression of the Bargue plates with this: schematics, then line, then tone. The intention is that the last drawing of the series will be a properly finished cast drawing, at which point I'll have had nine practice runs, adding a little more each time. Sight-size in Landscape Painting This is just a quick post to help better explain to my weekend landscape students the principle behind using the sight-size method for plein air sketching. In the photo above you can see how the camera was held in a position where the subject is the exact same size in nature as the painting on the panel. One goal of some 2-dimensional artists is to try to create the illusion of 3-dimensions on their flat surface. It is done with tone, the relative range of a color from lights to darks. The Lazy Man's Approach to Sight Size For today's post I'm going to explain the set up for the final version of the iron painting. It's a bit convoluted, but hopefully I'll be able to get it across with the help of a view photos. It seems ny still life set ups have become increasingly complicated as I've tried to solve a series of problems and to evolve a repeatable working process. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: You Might Also Enjoy : Techniques for Measuring Size and Angles ... Rule of Thirds .... Drawing with Grids :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |
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